The estimated population of Scotland in the middle of the year 1870 was 3,222,837.
The number of registered paupers and their dependents, exclusive of casual poor, who were in receipt of relief in parishes of Scotland, during 1860-69, on the 14th of May in each year, is shown in the subjoined table:—
May 14 | Number of parishes |
Paupers | Dependents | Total |
1860 | 883 | 77,306 | 36,903 | 114,209 |
1861 | 883 | 78,433 | 38,680 | 117,113 |
1862 | 884 | 78,724 | 40,204 | 118,924 |
1863 | 884 | 78,717 | 41,567 | 120,284 |
1864 | 884 | 78,682 | 42,023 | 120,705 |
1865 | 884 | 77,895 | 43,499 | 121,394 |
1866 | 885 | 76,229 | 43,379 | 119,608 |
1867 | 885 | 76,737 | 44,432 | 121,169 |
1868 | 887 | 80,032 | 48,944 | 128,976 |
1869 | 887 | 80,334 | 48,005 | 128,339 |
The number of criminal offenders, distinguishing men and women, committed for trial, and convicted, in Scotland, was as follows in the ten years, 1860-69:—
Years | Committed for trial | Convicted | ||
Men | Women | Total | ||
1860 . . | 2,306 | 981 | 3,287 | 2,414 |
1861 . . | 2,256 | 973 | 3,229 | 2,418 |
1862 . . | 2,627 | 1,003 | 3,630 | 2,693 |
1863 . . | 2,481 | 923 | 3,404 | 2,438 |
1864 . . | 2,302 | 910 | 3,212 | 2,359 |
1865 . . | 2,270 | 847 | 3,117 | 2,355 |
1866 . . | 2,202 | 801 | 3,003 | 2,292 |
1867 . . | 2,497 | 808 | 3,305 | 2,510 |
1868 . . | 2,622 | 762 | 3,384 | 2,490 |
1869 . . | 2,752 | 758 | 3,510 | 2,592 |
It will be seen, comparing the above table with that on page 243, that the proportion of criminal offenders committed for trial and afterwards acquitted is less in Scotland than in England and Wales.
3. Ireland.
Ireland has an area of 31,874 square miles, or 20,322,641 acres, inhabited, in 1861, by 5,798,967 souls. This gives a density of population of 181 inhabitants per square mile, or about one-half that of England.
The following table gives the area in acres, the number of in-