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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1871.djvu/457

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5. The Department of Marine. — Major-General Baron Broder Abraham Leijonhufvud, appointed January 14, 1870.

6. The Department of War. — General Gustaf Rudolf Abelin, appointed July 5, 1867.

7. The Department of Education and Ecclesiastical Affairs. — Gunnar Wennerberg, appointed June 3, 1870.

The members of the Council of State without a department are : —

1. Henrik Wilhelm Breclberg, appointed Nov. 2, 1860.

2. Baron Carl Jonas Oscar Jlstromer, appointed June 15, 1870.

3. Carl Johan Berg, appointed June 4, 1868.

All the members of the Council of State are responsible for the acts of the Government, individually and collectively.

The administration of justice, is entirely independent of the Government. Its two highest, functionaries are the Justitie-Kans- ler, or Chancellor of Justice, head of the judicial organisation of the kingdom, and the Justitie Ombudsman, or Attorney- General. The latter, who is appointed by the Diet, and responsible to no other tribunal, or person, in the kingdom, has to extend a general supervision over all the courts of law, and to watch that the con- stitution is upheld in the elections to the legislature, and in re- spect of all the other rights and privileges of the Swedish people.

Revenue and Expenditure.

The national income is derived mainly from indirect taxation, in- cluding customs and excise duties, and an impost on spirits — the latter made over partly to local societies and institutions for useful purposes — while the expenditure is under the chief heads of army, debt, and general administration. The sources of revenue and branches of expenditure of the kingdom for each of the years 1869 and 1870 were as follows, according to the budget estimates passed by the Diet : —



Riksdaler 15,260,270 13,000,000 2,250,000 1,300,000 9,800,000


Receipts from Domains .... Customs and excise . Post .... Stamps .... Impost on spirits

Total . . |

Riksdaler 15,616,300 14,000,000 2,250,000 1,300,000 9,800,000

41,610,270 £2,311,682

