Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1871.djvu/571

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(Republica del Ecuador.)

Constitution and Government.

The Republic of Ecuador was constituted May 11, 1830, in con- sequence of a civil war which separated the members of the Central American Free- state founded by Simon Bolivar on the ruins of the Spanish colony and kingdom of New Granada. By its constitution, dating March 31, 1843, the executive is vested in a President, elected for the term of four years, while the legislative power is •dven to a Congress of two Houses, the first consisting of 18 senators and the second of 30 deputies, both elected by universal suffrage. The Congress has to assemble on the 15th September of every year at Quito, the capital and seat of the government, without being summoned by the government. The nomination of the President takes place, in an indirect manner, by 900 electors, returned by the people for the purpose. The electors appoint, together with the head of the executive, a Vice-President, who, in certain cases, may be made to succeed him before his term of office has come to an end.

President of the Republic. — Dr. Garcia Moreno, elected President of Ecuador, as successor of Dr. Xavier Espinosa — January 18G8 to May 1869— August 13, 1869.

The President exercises his functions through a cabinet of three ministers who, together Avith himself and the Vice-President, are responsible, individually and collectively, to the Congress. There is no power of veto with the President, nor can he dissolve, shorten, or prorogue the sittings of Congress. By the terms of the consti- tution no citizen can enjoy titular or other distinctions, nor are hereditary rights or privileges of rank and race allowed to exist in the republic.

Since the year 1863 there has been almost uninterrupted civil war in Ecuador.

Revenue, Population, and Trade.

The public revenue in the year 1865 amounted to 1,401,300 dollars, or 280,260/. ; and the expenditure to 1,339,672 dollars, or 267,934/. Nearly one-half of the revenue is derived from customs