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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/1187

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The European population of the three principal towns of Java was, in 1896, Batavia, 9,423; Samarang, 3,355 ; Soerabaya, 6,988.

The whole population of Java is legally divided into Europeans and persons assimilated with them, and natives and persons assimilated with these. The former are generally living under the same laws as the inhabi- tants of the mother-country, while in the jurisdiction of the latter the Indian customs and institutions are considered. The division of the whole population into these two classes is a fundamental principle in the policy of the administi-ation, and enacted in the code specifying the limits and conditions for legislation in Dutch East India. The Governor-General, however, is, in agreement with the Council, authorised to make individual exceptions on this rule.


According to the terms of the regulations for the government of Nether- lands India, entire liberty is granted to the members of all religious con- fessions. The Reformed Church counts 35 ministers and 24 assistants, the Roman Catholic 24 curates and 25 priests, not salaried out of the public funds. The number of Christians among the natives and foreign Orientals was : —

In Java and Madura in 1873 . 5,673, and in 1896 (1 Jan.) 19,193 ,, the Outposts ,, ,, .148,672 ,, ,, . . 290,065

In 1896, 114 missionaries of various societies were working to propagate Christianity in the Dutch East Indies. In the same year 9,110 natives went to Mekka on pilgrimage, whereof 8,761 returned.


For the education of Europeans and persons assimilated with them there were in 1896, 7 public middle class schools, with 930 pupils. The cost of these schools to the Government in the same year was 546,633 guilders, and the revenue out of the school fees 91, 623 guilders.

In 1896 there were for Europeans 131 mixed public elementary schools, and 31 for girls only, with 19 private schools, or a total of 181 elementary schools. The 162 public schools had a teaching stafl" of 536, and an attend- ance of 14,280 pupils, and the 19 private schools a teaching staff of 151, and an attendance of 2,970 pupils. The cost of the public elementary schools was, in 1896, 2,430,456 and the income 271,710 guilders.

The following statement relates to schools for natives : —

In 1896 Dutch India had 4 normal schools, with 23 teachers and 168 pupils ; besides there were 4 schools for sons of native chiefs, with 220 pupils,

The elementary schools for natives were, for Java and Madura, in 1875: 104 Government schools, with 14,906 pupils, and 132 private schools, with 6,978 pupils; and in 1896, 205 Government schools with 37,103 pupils, and 202 private schools with 20,753 f upils. In the Outposts in 1881, 281 Govern- ment schools with 21,388 pupils, and 205 private schools with 10,696 pupils; and in 1895, 296 Government schools with 41,656 pupils, and 455 private schools with 24,085 pupils. In 1890 there were in Java and Madura 116 private subventioned schools with 14,212 pupils, and 180 non-subventioned