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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/1196

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The colony is governed by a Governor, assisted by a Council composed of the Attorney-General and three members, all nominated by the Sovereign.

There is also a Colonial Council consisting of the members of the Council and eight members nominated by the Sovereign. The different islands of the colony, except Curacao, are placed under chiefs called ' gezaghebbers, ' nominated by the Sovereign.

At the end of 1896 there were 41,*235 Roman Catholics, 7,730 Protestants, 831 Jews. The number of schools was about 28 with about 5,538 pupils.

The revenue is derived from import, export, and excise duties, taxes on land, and some indirect taxes. In the Budget for 1898 the revenue is estima- ted at 638,000 guilders, and the expenditure at 700,000 guilders; the dif- ference is supplied by the mother-country.

The militia (Schutterij) of the Isle of Cura9ao consisted at the end of 1896 of 27 officers and 354 men ; the garrison of 7 officers and 197 men. A vessel of the royal navy is always cruising and visiting the different islands.

The imports of the island of Cura9ao in 1896 were valued at 2,962,668 guilders ; the exports of the other islands— Cura9ao has no export duties — at 364,669 guilders. The chief produce are maize, beans, pulse, cattle, salt, and lime.

There entered the different islands in 1896, 2,569 vessels of 526,148 English tons.

British Consul at Cura<^ao. — J. Jesurun.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning the Netherlands and its Colonies.

1. Official Publications. (1) The Netherlands.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. 4. London, 1895.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. London.

Gerechtelijke Statistiek van het Kouinkrijk der Nederlanden. 's Gravenhage, 1897.

Jaarcijfers over 1897 door de Centrale Commissie vour de Statistiek.

Onderzoek naar de geschiedenis en Werkzaainheid der Vakvereenigingen, uitgegeven door de Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek, 1806.

Report by Mr. Sydney Locock, Secretary of Legation, on land laws and landed property, dated The Hague, December 20, 1869; in ' Re])orts from H.M.'s Representatives respecting the Tenure of Land in the several Countries of Europe.' Parti. Fol. London, 1870.

Statistiek van het Gevangeniswezen. 1897.

Staatsalmanak voor het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. 1898. Met machtiging van de regering uit officiele opgaven zaniengesteld. 's Gravenhage.

Staatsbegi-ooting voor het dienstjaar 1899. 's Gravenhage.

Statistiek van den in-, uit- en doorvoer over 1897.

Statistiek van den Handel en de Scheepvaart van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. 's Gravenhage, 1897.

Uitkomsten der 7e tienjaarl : volkstelling van 1889-90 in liet koninkrijk der Neder- landen. 's Gravenhage, 1891.

Verslag der Nederlandsche Bank. 1897.

Verslag van den Raad v Toezicht op de Spoorwegdiensten over 1897.

Verslag van den Staat der hoogere, middelbare en lagere scliolen over 1897.

Verslag van den Staat der Nederlandsclie Zeevisscherijen over 1897. 's Gravenhage.

Verslag van den Landbouw in Nederland over 1894 and 1895, opgemaakt op last van den Minister van Handel en Ni,jverheid. 8. 's Gravenhage. 1898.

Verslag der Alaatschappy tol Expl. van Staatsspoorwegen over 1897.