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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/1231

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Tlic French metric system of weights and measures was est.ihlislied hy law in 1860, but has not yet come into general use, except for the customs taritt'.

Diplomatic Representatives.

1. Of Peru in Great Britain.

Envoy and Minister. — Don Jose F. Canevaro, Secretary. — Don Wenceslao Melendez. Co7isul- General (London). — Edward Leml)cke.

There are Consular representatives at Belfast, Cardiff, Duhlin, Dundee, Glasgow, *Livcrpool, Queenstown, Southampton.

2. Of Great Britain in Perti,

Minister mid Consul-General. — William Nelthorpo Beauclerk.

There are a Consul and Yice-Consul at Callao, a Consul at Iquitos, Vice-Consuls at Lima, Payta, Lambayeque, Arequipa, Mollendo, Pisco, a Vice-Cousul for Trujillo and Salaverry, one for Poronc and Chanchamayo districts, and a Consular Agent at Cerro de Pasco.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Peru.

1, Official Publications.

Deinarcacion politica del Peru. Edicion oficial de la direccion de estadistica. Fol. Lima, 1874.

Paz Soldan (Mariano Felipe), Diccionario geografico-estadistico del Peru : Contiene adeuias la etiiaologia Ajniiara y Quechua de las principales poblaciones, lagos, rios, cerros, Ac. 8. Lima, 1879.

Peru. No. 60 of the Bulletins of the Bureau of the American Republics. Washington, 1892.

Raimondi (Antonio), El Peru. 3 vols. Published at Lima, 1874.

American Consular Reports for April 1895. "Washington.

Rei>ort by Sir C. Mansfield on the auriferous deposits of Peru. No. 107 of 'Reports on Subjects of General and Commercial Importance.* 1890.

Reports on the Trade of Peru in Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series. London.

Trade of Peru with Great Britain, in ' Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions Imp. 4 London.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Albertini (L. E.), Perou en 1878. Paris, 1878.

Bates (H. W.), Central and South America. London, 1882.

Chrrot (A.), Le PiTOU : Productions, guano, commerce, finances, &c. 8. Paris, 1S7G.

CJnrfc (E. B.), Twelve Months in Peru. 8. London, 1891.

Crommelin (May), Over the Andes from Chili to Peru. London, 1895.

Duffield (A.), Peru in the Guano Age. 8. London, 1877.

El Econoinista. Weekly. Lima.

Evann (V. F.), From Peru to the Plato. S. London, 1889

Fwfnffg (Manuel A.), Lima, or Sketches of the Capital of Peru : Historical, Statistical, Administrative, Commercial, and Moral. 8. London, ISCti,

Grandidler (E.), Voyage clans TAnu'rique du Sud, Pirou et Bolivie. 8. Paris, 1863.

Guillaume (II.), The Amazon Provinces of Peru as a Field for European Emigration, London, 1888.

Hill (S. S.), Travels in Peni and Mexico. 2 vols. 8. London, 1860.

Hutchinson (T. J.), Two Years in Peru. 2 vols. S. London, 1874.

Miirkham (C. R.), Cuzco and Lima. London, 1868.

ilarkham (C. R.), Pcni. Loudon, ISSl.