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was vested in a 'Swaziland Government Committee'; and by that of December 10, 1894, ratified by the Volksraad February 14, 1895, Swaziland is (subject to certain conditions) under the protection and administration of the Republic.

In terms of that Convention, the territory is not to be incorporated into the Transvaal, and the natives retain the right to govern themselves accord- ing to their own laws and customs in so far as they are not inconsistent with civilised laws and customs, and they retain their lands and grazing rights. The hut tax and other taxes imposed on Swazis in the Republic have been levied since August, 1898. British subjects retain all their rights and privileges, and settlers since April 20, 1893, may obtain all burgher rights. Equal rights of the Dutch and English languages in the Courts shall be maintained. The customs dues shall not be higher than those of the Republic, and the Government of the Republic agrees to prohibit the sale or supply of intoxicating liquor to the natives. A British consular officer shall be appointed.

The Paramount Chief Ngwane (alias U'Hili, or U'Bunu), born 1877, succeeded his father in 1889. His native Council consists of about 44 members. The native army contains about 18,000 men. The administration is carried on by a special Commissioner, a judge and other officials appointed by the Government of the South African Republic. The mounted police numbered (in 1898) 300 men. The revenue, which by the taxation of the natives will now be largely increased, has hitherto been from 2,000l. to 3,000l., and a grant in aid by the South African Republic of from 45,000l. to 48,000l. has been required to meet expenditure. No customs duties are at present levied. Gold-mining is carried on. The work of the tin-mining company has been suspended. A coal-mining company has recently been floated, and there are indications that other ndneral and agricultural con- cessions will shortly be worked.

British Consul. — J. Smuts. SjJecial Commissioner. — J. C. Krogh.

Statistical and other Books of Reference.

Convention between Her Majesty and the South African Republic. London, 18S4.

Correspondence respecting the Debt due to H.M.'s Government by the Transvaal State. London, 1882-83.

Correspondence respecting the Affairs of the Transvaal and adjacent Territories. London, 1884.

Further Correspondence respecting the Affairs of the Transvaal and adjacent Territories (C. 4,275, 4,432, 4,588). London, 1885. (C. 4,(J43) ISSti.

Correspondence relative to the South African Republic. London, 1806.

Local Laws of the South African Republic for 1886-93. In 3 scries. Pretoria, 1888-04.

Reports of Select Committee of British House of Commons on British South Africa, with Evidence. London, 1897.

Report t>f Select Committee of Cape of Good Hope House of Assembly on the Jameson Raid. London, 1897.

Staats Almanak der Zuid Afrik. Republiek voor hot jaar 1800. Pretoria, 1809.

Ninth Annual Report of the Witwatei-srand Cliamber of Mines for the year ending December 31, 1897. Johannesburg, 1898.

Nohle (John), Illustrated Official Handbook of the Cape and South Africa. 8. Capetown and London, 1893.

Rapport v. d. Staats Myn Ingenieur over het jaar 1897 (with an English trans- lation). Pretoria, 1898.

.42/ord (Charles J.), Geological Features of the Transvaal, South Africa. London, 1891.

Argus Annual and South African Directory for 1897. Cajie Town, 1896.

Bigelow (P.), White Man's Africa. Lon<lon. 1897.

Brown (A. S. and G. G.), Guide to South Africa. 6th ed. London, 1898.

Denny (G. A.), The Klcrksdorp Gold Fields. London, 1897.

Distant (W. L.), A Naturalist in the Transvaal. 8. London, 1892.

Dove (Dr. Karl), Das Kliuia des ausscrtropisclicn Sudafrika. Gottingen, 1888.