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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/1476

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Country- No. Gross Tonnage
Great Britain 1,905 7,389,237
Germany 325 1,194,106
France 202 807,995
Italy 71 198,161
Holland 206 532,272
Austria-Hungary 78 265,231
Spain 48 199,695
Siam 2 4,457
Norway 48 117,794
Turkey 7 7,770
Japan 36 165,425
Portugal 1 366
Egypt 3 5,344
America 3 6,627
China 3 5,916
Sweden 1 1,648
Denmark 2 1,954
Russia 44 218,514
Mexico 1 891
Total 2,986 11,123,403

The number and gross tonnage of vessels that have ]>assed through the Suez Canal, and the gross receipts of the company, have been as follows in six years : —

Year No. of Vessels Gross Tonnage Receipts

1892||3,550||10,866,401||2,078,097 1893||3,341||10,753,798||2,826,694 1894||3,352||11,283,855||2,951,073 1895||3,434||11,833,637||3,124,149 1896||3,409||12,039,850||3,182,800 1897||2,986||11,123,403||2,913,222

The number of passengers who went through the canal in 1897 was 191,224, as against 308,241 in 1896.

The Suez Canal is 87 miles long, 66 actual canal and 21 miles lakes, connecting the Mediterranean with the Red Sea, opened for navigation November 17, 1869.

The state of the capital account as regards bonds in circulation and re- deemed was as follows, on December 31, 1897 : —

Francs Francs

Capital, 400,000 shares at 500 francs 390,599 in circulation||195,290,500 9,401 redeemed||4,700,500

Consolidation of unpaid coupons, 400,000 bonds at 85 francs 394,434 in circulation||33,526,890 ||34,000,000 5,566 redeemed||4,700,500 ||473,110

Loan (1867-68), 333,333 obligations at 300 francs 231,844 in circulation ||99,999,900 101,480 redeemed

Loan (1871), 120,000 30-year bonds at 100 francs 31,600 in circulation||3,160,000||69,553,200 || 12,000,000 88,400 redeemed||30,446,700||8,840,000

Loan (1880), 73,026 3 per cent, obligations, various prices||3,779 redeemed||— 26,999,962

Loan (1887), 195,000 3 per cent, obligations||1,793 redeemed||— 90,120,877

| || ||463,120,739 |Revenues applied to improvement of canal||151,174,307 | || ||614,295,046

There were besides, 100,000 founders' shares, with right to participate in surplus profit under certain conditions. In 1897 the net protits amounted to 39,315,531 francs, and the total amount distributed among the share- holders was 40,913,803 francs.