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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/1511

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Crndock (Cape Colony), 184

Craiova, 897

Creek Town, 209

Cremona, 725

Crete, 1100

Criniinitschaii, 679

Croatia-Slavouia, 387, 388, 389

Cronstadt (Russia), 908, 915

Croydon, 18

Crooked Island, 244

Cucuta, 472

Cuenca, 500

Cundinanuirea, 472

Cuneo, 725

Cura9ao, 839

Curico, 446

Cutch, 131

Cuzco, 868 ; University, 870

Cyclades, 693

Cyprus, 118, 120

— troops at, 104

Czenstocliowo, 916

Czernowitz, 373 ; University, 376

DACCA, 135 Dadar, 167 Dahlak Archipelago, 757 Dahomey, 563, 56^4 Dakar, 562, 563 Dalmatia, 370, 371 Damao, 890, 891 Damaraland, 612 Damascus, 1080 Daraietta, 1107 Dampier Island, 614 Danger Islands, 332 Danilograd, 796 Danube (province), 687 Danube, R. navigation of, 901 Danzig, 580, 660 Dar al Baida, 800 Dar-Banda, 342 Darbhangah, 135

Dar-es-Salaara (Germ. E. Africa), 613 Darfur, 1123 Darmstadt, 640 Deb Raja (of Bhutan), 428 Debra Tabor, 336 Debreczin, 391

Deep Bay (Cent. Africa), 193 Degana (W. Africa), 209 De Kaap Goldfield, 1006 Delagoa Bay Railway, 893


Delft, 811 Delhi, 135 Demerara, 239, 838 Denmark, agriculture, 494

— area, 489

— army, 493

— banks, 496

— births, deaths, and marriages, 490

— books of reference, 498

— colonies, 497

— commerce, 494

— constitution, 487

— crime, 491

— currency and credit, 496

— customs valuation, 495

— debt, 492

— defence, 493

— diplomatic and other representa-

tives, 497

— distilleries, 494

— emigration, 490

— expenditure, 491, 492

— exports, 494-496

— finance, 491

— Folkething, 488

— government, 487 local, 489

— imports, 494-496

— instruction, 490

— justice, 491

— kings of, since 1448, 487

— Landsthing, 488

— ministry, 488

— money, weights, and measures, 497

— navy, 493

— occupation of the people, 490

— population, 489

— posts and telegraphs, 496

— production and industry, 494

— railways, 496

— reigning king, 486

— religion, 490

— reserve fund, 492

— revenue, 491, 492

— Rigsdag, 488

— royal family, 486

— shipping and navigation, 496 D'Entrecasteaux Islands, 256 Derby, 18

Ddsirade Island, 568 Dessau, 619 Detmold, 642 Deutsch-Damaraland, 612 Deutsch-Naraaland, 612