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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/1517

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German Empire, occupation census, 1895, 578

— pauperism, 584

— population, 576 ct scq.

conjugal condition, 577

of states, 576

of towns, 580

— postal statistics, 605, 606

— production and industry, 594

— railways, 604

— Reichstag, 574, 575

— religion, 580

— religious censuses, 581

— revenue and expenditure, 585, 586

— royal family, 572

— secretaries of state, 575

— schools, 581, 582

— shipping, 602

— states, 574

population, 576

— sugar manufacture, 598

— telegraphs, 605, 606

— towns, 580

— universities, 583

German New Guinea Company, 614 Germany, states of, 616 et seq. Ghardaia, 551 Ghazni, 340

Ghent, 414 ; University. 415 Ghilzais (tribe), 339 Gibeon (S.W. Africa), 012 Gibraltar, 105

— troops at, 104

Giessen, 640 ; University, 538 Gilbert Islands, 332 Girgenti, 725

Girton College, Cambridge, 34 Glarus (canton), 1058, 1060 Glasgow, 22 ; University, 34

— port, 75, 90

— technical college, 34 Glauchau, 679 Glorieuse Archipelago, 561 Gloucester, 18

Gmiind, 688

Goa, 890, 891

Gobabis (S.W. Africa), 612

Gojam (Abyssinia), 336

Gold Coast, 215-218

Gomel, 916

Gondar, 336

Goole, 75

Goppingen, 688

Gorakhpur, 135


Goree (Island), 563 Gorlitz, 660

Gornia Orehovitza (Bulgaria), 1096 Gorz, 370

G6tel)org, 1030, 1038 ; local govern- ment at, 1028 Gbttingen, University, 583 Gotha, 672 Gothard, 1067 Goulburn (N.S.W.), 260 Goyaz (Brazil), 436 Gozo Island, 106 Graaf-Reinet, 184 Gradisca, 370 Graham's Town, 184 Granada (Spain) 1013

— (Nicaragua), 845 Grand Bassam, 563 Grand Cayman, 247 Grand Lahou, 563 Grand Popo, 563 Grande Comore, 561 Grande-Terre Island, 568 Grangemouth, 75, 90 Gratz, 373 ; University, 376 Graubiinden (Grisons), 1058, 1000 Great Bahama, 244

Great Britain and Ireland, agricul- ture, 67

Great Britain, agricultural holdings, 69-71

— area, 14

cultivable, 67

— army, 55

distribution, 57

from 1820-1898, 57

— — estimates, 47

— army in India, 57, 58 regular, 1899, 56

in colonies and Egypt, 57

— banks, chartered, 96

joint-stock, 96

post-office, 97

trustees, 98

— barley produce, 1894-1898, 68

— births, deaths, and marriages, 26

— books of reference, 99

— budgets, 44

— cabinet, 9

— canals, 92

annual value, 51

— census, 14

— Civil Service estimates, 49

— Civil List, 5