Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/1532

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THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1899


Natal, coal fields, 206

— commerce, 206

— constitution and government, 203,


— defence, 205

— exports, 206

— finance, 205

— governor, 204

— imports, 206

— industry, 206

— instruction, 205

— live stock, 206

— military expenditure, 104

— population, 204

— railways, 207

— • shipping, 207

— troops at, 104 Navigator Islands, 982 Navua (Fiji), 256 Neckar, 687 Nedounkadou, 547 Negapatam, 135

Negri Sembilan, 171, 172 ; area and population, 173

— finance, 174

Negus Negust of Ethiopia, 336 Nelson (N.Z.), 275 Nepal, 803

Netherland Island, 332 Netherlands, agriculture, 818

— area, 809

— army, 816

— banks, 826-827

— births, deaths, and marriages, 810

— books of reference, 840

— budget, 814, 815

— canals, 824

— colonies, 815, 828

— commerce, 820

— constitution, 806

— crime, 813

— currency and credit, 826

— customs valuation, 823

— de4)t, 815

— defence, army, 816

— — frontier, 816 navy, 817

— diplomatic representatives, 828

— emigration, 810

— exports, 821-823

— finance, 814

— fisheries, 820

— government, central, 806 local, 808


Netherlands, imports, 821-823

— instruction, 811

— justice, 813

— manufactures, 820

— mining, 820

— ministry, 807

— money, weights, and measures, 827

— navy, 817

— pauperism, 813

— population, 809

— posts and telegraphs, 825

— production and industry, 818

— railways, 825

— reigning sovereign, 805

— religion, 811

— revenue and expenditure, 814

— royal family, 805

— schools, 811

— shipping and navigation, 823

— towns, 811

— tramways, 824

— Universities, 812 Neuchatel (canton), 1058, 1060 Neuchatel, 1062 ; Academy, 1063 Neuilly, 513

Neu Lauenburg Island (W. Pacific),

615 Neu Mecklenburg Island (W. Pacific),

615 Neu Pommern Island (W. Pacific),

615 Neuquen (Arg. Rep.), 345 Neustadt, 675 Neu Strelitz, 648 Neva navigation, 961 Nevis (Island), 247, 248, 250, 251 New Brunswick, population, 223,

225, 228 New Calabar, 209 New Caledonia, 546, 570

— prison, population, 518 Newcastle (N.S.W.), 260, 270 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 18, 75, 90

— College, 34 Newchwang, 465 New Dongola, 1123 Newfoundland and Labrador, 241-244 New Guinea, British, 256 ; Dutch,

829, -830 New Guinea Company, German, 615 New Hannover (Island), 615 Newnham College, Cambridge, 34 Newport (Mon.), 18, 75, 90 New Providence Island, 244