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INTEKEST, DIVIDENDS, AND EARNINGS OF RAILWAYS, VARIOUS YEARS, 1S73 to 1S97 [Prepared for the Treasury Department by John P. Meany, editor of Poor's Railroad Manual]


1S73 . ISSO . 1890 . 1S91 . 1892 . lS9:i . 1894 . 1895 . 1896 . 1897 .

Interest paid on Bonds and Other Debt

Dollars a 107,S(56.82s 224,499,571 228,572,708 286,502,570 244,965,44(1 242.147.714 248,185,884 250,411,950 286,680,114

Dividends Paid on Stock Interest Per Cent of Bonds and Debt DoUar.s 67,120,709 77,115,371 4.00 8:^,575,705 4.13 8!).090.757 4.14 ! �;!.m;2.412 4.16 94.295,815 4.14 s.S,478,669 4.04 81.875,774 4.10 81,864,854 4.85 82.();30,989 4.09

Dividends Per Cent of Stock

3.45 2.84 1.80 1.85 1.93 1.88 1.64 1.59 1.54 1.52

Earnings per Milk OF Railroad in Opkration Gross Net Dollars Dollars 7,948 2,775 7,471 3,111 6,822 2,162 6,852 2,186 6,852 2,068 6,963 2,069 6,054 1,803 6,097 1,804 6,228 1,S37 6,203 1,867

Percentage of Expense;^ to Earnings

65.08 58.86 68.:33 68.S;3 69.82 70.29 70.22 70.41 70.48 69.91

a Interest payments not compiled.

PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT CARRIED BY RAILWAYS, AND RECEIPTS PER MILE, VARIOUS YEARS, 1882 TO 1897 • [Prepared for the Treasury Department by John P. Meany, editor of Poor's Railroad Manual]

Year Passengers Passengers Average Receipts per Pas- senger per Mile Freight Freight Car- Average Keceipts Carried Carried 1 Mile Carried ried 1 Mile per Ton l>or Mile Cenis Tons Tons Cents 1882 . . 875.891. SI 2 10.4^.868.728 1.85 360,490,375 89,:302.209.249 1.24 1890 . . 520. 489, 08-.^ 12,5-.'l,5t;5,Chl9 2.17 691,344,4:37 79,192.9^5.125 .98 1891 . . 556,015,802 18,816,925,289 2.18 704,898,609 8l,210,li>4.528 .93 1892 . . 575,769,678 13,5^,34;3,804 2.17- 7:30,605,011 84,413,197,1:30 .94 1893 . . 597,056,539 14,979,847,458 2.07 757,464,480 90,552,087,290 .89 1894 . . 569,660,216 18,600,5:31, 6;35- 2.03 674,714,747 82,219,900.498 .86 1895 . . 529,756,259 12,609,082,551 2.07 755,799,88:3 88,567,770.801 .at 1896 . . 585,120,756 13,054,840,243 2.03 773,868,716 98,885,85:3,684 .82 1897 . . 504,106,525 12,494,958,000 2.03 788,385,448 97,&42,569,150 .80

The foregoing statistics of railroads are taken from the Statistical Abstract, published by the Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department; they were compiled for that docu- ment from Poor's Railroad Manual for calendar years. They do not agree in all respects with the statistics published by the Interstate Commerce Commission for the fiscal years end- ing June 30, but the variations are not particularly important. According to the Federal commission the total railway mile- age in the United States, June 30, 1897, was 184,428, the increase during the year being 1651 miles. With the excep- tion of yard track and sidings, about 32 per cent of which are laid with iron rails, substantially 95 per cent of the railway tracks in the whole country are laid with steel rails.