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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/192

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The seigniorage or profit on this coinage was 83,073,958.59, which has been deposited in the Treasury of the United States. Of the subsidiary coinage ($6, 482, 804) executed during the year 1898, $5,962,141 were from bullion resulting from the melting of uncurrent silver coins received from the Treasury for recoinage, and $520,663 from silver bullion purchased under the provision of section 3526 of the Revised Statutes. The loss on the recoinage of $1,198,860 in worn and uncurrent gold coins was 811,177.01, and the loss on the recoinage of $6,109,772.32 in worn and uncurrent silver coins was $289,613.16, for which the Treasurer of the United States was reimbursed from the appropriations for that purpose. The number of silver dollars coined from bullion purchased under the act of July 14, 1890, from Aug. 13, 1890, to June 80, 1898, aggregated 78,751,257 pieces, containing 60,909,175,32 ounces of fine silver, costing $58,460,975.54, giving a seigniorage of $20,290,281.46. All profits on the coinage of silver dollars are deposited each month in the Treasury of the United States. The aggregate number of silver dollars coined from March 1, 1878, to June 30, 1898, under the provisions of the acts of Feb. 28, 1878, July 14, 1890, and March 3, 1891, was $461,996,522, as shown by the following table :

Coinatre under Act of


Feb. 28, 1878 (Bland-Allison) From July 14, 1890, to repeal of purchasing clause of Sherman act, Oct. 31. 1893 . From Nov. 1, 1893, to June 30, 1898 . Total under act of July 14, 1890 March 3, 1891 (recoinage of trade dollars) Total

$36,087,285 42,663,972


78,751,257 5,078.472


The following table exhibits the number of fine ounces and value of gold and silver coinage of the United States, by various calendar years, from 1873 to 1897 :

Gc LD Silver Calendar Years Fine Ounces Value Fine Ounce.s Coining Value 1ST3 .... 2,758,475 $.57,022,748 3,112,801 $4,024,748 isso 3,014,1 ft? f)2,3()S.279 21,201.232 27,411,694 ISDO 000,100 20,4(57.182 30.320,000 39.202,008 lsl)4 3,S4S,045 70,.54r..ir)0 7,115.896 9,200,351 1S05 2,SS:^.041 50,ei(),3.58 4,407,055 5,608,010 T^Ofi 2,276,102 47.053.0(50 17.8.58,.504 23,089,809 IS'JT 3,077,878 76,028,485 14.208,769 18,487,297

The following tables show the amount, cost, average price per fine ounce, and the bullion value of the. silver dollar, of silver purchased under the different acts, by fiscal years.