There are some errors in the foregoing statement which cannot be corrected ; they probably result from errors in original returns, but they are not sufficient to vitiate the general statement as to the magnitude of the fire-insurance business of the country.
LOSSES BY FIRE The losses by fire are taken from the fire tables of "The Chronicle."
Years | ||
Aggregate Property Loss | ||
Aggregate Insurance Loss | ||
1875 | $78,102,285 | $39,325,400 |
1876 | 64,630,000 | 34,374,500 |
1877 | 68,265,800 | 37,398,900 |
1878 | 64,315,900 | 36,575,900 |
1879 | 77,703,700 | 44,464,700 |
1880 | 74,643,400 | 42,525,000 |
1881 | 81,280,900 | 44,641,900 |
1882 | 84,505.024 | 48,875,131 |
1883 | 100,149,228 | 54,808,604 |
1884 | 110,008,611 | 60,679,818 |
1885 | 102,818,796 | 57,480,789 |
1886 | 104,924,750 | 60,500,567 |
1887 | 120,283,055 | 69,659,508 |
1888 | $110,885,665 | 63,965,724 |
1889 | 123,046,833 | 73,679,465 |
1890 | 108,993,792 | 65,015,465 |
1891 | 143,764,967 | 90,576,918 |
1892 | 151,516,098 | 93,511,936 |
1893 | 167,544,370 | 105.994,577 |
1894 | 140,006,484 | 89,574,699 |
1895 | 142,110,233 | 84,689,030 |
1896 | 118,737,420 | 73,903,800 |
1897 | 116,354.570 | 60,722,140 |
1898 | a 97,017,000 | 49,200,000 |
Total 24 years. | $2,551,609,481 | $1,488,102,448 |
a Estimated.
Life Insurance
Life insurance in this country is sold by three classes of organizations — regular level premium companies (so-called), assessment companies, and fraternal orders. The number of policies in force in the regular level premium or old line companies Jan. 1, 1898, was 10,206,577, representing $6,326,120,072 of insurance. In the assessment companies there were 4,039,062 members, with $7,799,428,000 of insurance in force. Thirty-five companies reporting income and disbursements to the New York Life Insurance Department showed total payments for losses, endowments, and annuities in 1897 of $92,688,307, which, with payments for lapsed, surrendered and purchased policies, and dividends to policy holders, made a total of all payments to policy holders in that year of $137,544,815. These companies paid in taxes, commissions, and other expenses $67,582,025, or an aggregate of $205,866,394 for all disbursements.
The insurance business of the country is regulated and supervised by State officers — in some States by insurance commissioners, and in others by officers designated by law, as follows: