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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/221

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TOTAL NUMBER OF PUPILS AND STUDENTS OF ALL GRADES IN BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, 1896-97 [The classification of States made use of in the following table is the same as that adopted by the United States census, and is as follows: Xorth Athuitic Divisioii : Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. South Atlantic Division : Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. South Central Division: Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Toxas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Xot'th Central Division: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, .Michigan, Wisconsin, .Mimiesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. Western. Division: Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Me.vico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and California.]

Pui'iLS receiving Elemen- tary Instruction (Primary and Grammar Grades) Pupils receiving Second- ary Instruction (High- school Grade) ^ Division Public Private (largely estimated) Public 2 Private (in Preparatory Schools, Academies, Seminaries, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 The United States . North Atlantic Division . South Atlantic Division . South Central Division North Central Division Western Division 14,24:3,059 1,209,367 420,459 164.445 3,418,765 2,049,766 2,695,294 5,376,918 702,316 503,b32 88,310 145,041 430,120 42,064 129,118 21,450 31,;385 214,291 24,215 49,.'5l7 24,487 81,805 49,852 8,484 Division Students receiving Higher Instruction IN universities and COLLEGES S IN SCHOOLS OF medi- cine, LAW, AND THEOLOGY 5 IN NORMAL SCHOOLS^ 1 Pub- lic* Pri- vate Total Pub- lics Pri- vate Total Pub- lic Pri- vate 8 Total 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 The United States North Atlantic Division South Atlantic Division South Central Division North Central Division Western Division 27,654 69,480 97,134 7,706 45,54:3 53,249 43,199 24,181 967,380 4,781 3,489 2,652 13,099 3,633 25,498 9,872 11,234 20,158 2,718 30,279 13,361 13,886 33,257 6,351 233 687 946 5,107 733 17,367 5,911 • 4,546 16,420 1,299 17,600 6,598 5,492 21,527 2,032 17,651 3,743 3,016 15,818 2,971 2,247 1,817 4,500 14,817 800 19,898 5,560 7,516 30,635 3,771 Division Summary ok Higher (in- cluding Nor- mal) In- struction Summary of Pupils BY Grade Summary according to Control Grand Total Pub- lic Pri- vate Elemen- tary Sec- ondary Higher Public Private 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 The United States North Atlantic Division South .\tlantic Division South Central Division North Central Division Western Division 78,559 139,204 15,452,426 584,904 217,763 14,742,077 1,513,016 16,255,093 22,665 7.919 6,614 34,024 7.337 45,112 17,600 20,280 51,395 4,817 3,922,597 2,138,076 2,840,335 5,807.038 744,380 178.935 45.937 (W,190 2W,143 32,699 67,777 25,519 26,894 85,419 12,1M 3,570,MS 2,079,135 2,733,293 5,625,233 733,868 598.761 i;30,:397 197,126 531,367 55,365 4,169,309 2,209,5:32 2.9:30,419 6,156,600 789,283

Notes on next page.