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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/258

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[Revised and compared with recent official tables] Year Imports Exports Excess Export Values Custom House Receipts 1880 . . 1885 . . 1890 . . 1895 . . 1896 . . 1897 . . $3,673,268.41 3,830,544.58 6,962,201.13 5,339,755.04 6,063,652.41 7,682,628.09 $ 4,968,444.87 9,158,818.01 13,142.829.48 8,474,138.15 15,515,230.13 16,021,775.19 $1,295,176.46 5,328,273.43 6,180,628.35 3,134,353.11 9.451,577.72 8,339,147.10 $402,181.63 502,337.38 695,956.91 547,149.04 656,895.82 708,493.05

QUANTITY AND ^ ^VLUE OF DOMESTIC EXPORTS 1895 TO 1897 Articles 1895 1896 1897 Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Puff.ar, lbs. 294,784,819 !f7,975,590.41 443.569,282 .$14,932,172.83 520,1.58,282 $15,890,422.13 Rice, lbs. 3,768,762 161,547.16 5,025,491 195,817.16 5,499,499 225,575.52 Hides, pes. . 19,180 47,234.14 25,079 60,311.29 25,140 87,545.48 Bananas, bnchs. . 105,055 102,599.25 126,413 125,089.30 75,835 75,412.50 Wool, lbs. 227,987 17,873.14 462,819 33,297.88 249,200 21,308.84 Molasses, galls. 4-1,970 8,037.83 15,885 1,290.72 9,000 2,892.72 Goat skins, pes. 6,46(1 2,638.20 12,617 4,447.00 6,085 2,055.00 Awa. lbs. 12,600 1,304.50 14,120 988.50 Betel leaves, bxs. . 119 640.00 125 612.50 145 509.00 Coffee, lbs. . 118,755 22,823.68 255,655 53,650.39 337,158 99,696.62 Tallow, lbs. . 83,770 225.00 Sheep skins, pes. . 6,504 798.90 7,886 1,053.81 9,907 2,711.95 Taro flour, lbs. Guano, tons . Pineapples, pes. 22.20 4,230 61.25 65,213 8,783.84 147,451 15,349.96 149,515 14,428.17 Sundrv fruits, bxs. 878.00 699.50 572.00 Canned fruits 972 972.82 (Doz.)l,13S 2,276.00 115 347.90 Sundries Total value . 11,363.54 6,562.14 9,696.16 ^8,3.58,106.79 $15,515,2.30.13 $15,933,398.99

Steamers connect the islands with the American continent, Australasia, and China. In 1897 there were 62 registered vessels belonging to the islands, of 34,066 tons ; of these, 21 of 28,510 tons were built in England. There are about 100 nules of railway in the islands of Hawaii, ]\laui, and Oahu. There are telegraphs in the islands of Maui, Hawaii, between Hawaii and Oahu, and round the latter island ; total length, 250 miles; nearly every family in Honolulu has its telephone. In 1897 the total number of letters, etc., transmitted and received by the Tost Office was 5,079,872 ; there were 73 post-offices. Postal savings-banks, 1897 : $953,981. Honolulu is lighted by electricity. The various islands will shortly be connected

depositors, 10,620 ; amount, and has lines of tramways, by telegraphic cable.

Porto Eico

Area, Population, etc. The island of Porto Rico (added to the United States by Spain in accordance with the Treaty of Paris, signed Dec. 10, 1898, and ratified