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Net Debt Jan. 1, 1899 Assessed Valuation Jan. 1, 1899 Kate of Taxa- tion Mayor for 1899 Dollars Dollars Dols. 476,800.00 10,787.799.00 1.57 Henry H. Cooper 48,500.00 4,480, ()40. 00 2.43 J. Thorouf^hgood 16,990,259.17 90,445,00(1.01 2.86 Edward IIoos 228,462.00 12,900,000. (U 1.20 G. W. Waj^oner 60,000.00 8,000,000.00 1.64 A. M. Stearns 26,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.10 II. A. Mapruder 1,100,000.00 7,800,000.00 5.00 K. L. Marshman 8,600,000.00 70,000,000.00 2.62 James M. Jones 261,600.00 4,574,243.00 1.65 J. L. Koot 1,094,200.00 13,280,030.00 1.60 Wm. D. Brinnier 401,028.00 12,151,326.00 2.25 James McCord 300,000.00 11,500,000.00 1.18 Noah Justice 619,500.00 15,55;i, 660.00 0.90 Simon Shirsler 472,000.00 7,46s.78( �.00 2.37 C. J. Davis 1,460,626.42 37,576.798.00 1.56 James II. Eaton 228,276.41 1,652,678.00 7.50 C. E. Dickinson 697,100.00 7,500,000.00 0.98 H. S. Prophet 235,988.95 11,000,000.00 2.40 J. A. Woodson 845,000.00 7,800,000.00 1.17 Geo. P. McKee 1,650,000.00 60,000,000.00 1.25 Fi-ed. Eaton 8,24s.000.00 119.500.000.00 1.84 Charles P. Weaver 3,37:^.oso.( � 7l,980,(;95.00 1.80 Jeremiah Crowley 1,351 �.!)>1>.M 1.50 G. W. Smith 3,217,230.09 50,960,*34.00 1.76 William Shepherd 246,809.00 14.582,236.00 1,459.827.81 26,147,660.00 1.65 Charles L. Dean 1,945.000.00 30.988,488.00 1.95 William C. Clarke 76.500.00 2,762,&41.00 4.39 T. Sminthwaite ()9.OO0.00 6,719,260.00 2.93 J. P. Henry 1G>.()(IO.OO 3,681.354.00 3.00 Francis A. Brown 74^,sft3.00 8,975.248.00 1.90 E. J. Plunkett 264.000.00 2.411,920.^0 3.08 J. F. Neidhart 90,120.00 4,000,000.00 2.89 Jacob Wise 1,362,395.18 18,936,050.00 1.78 L. H. Lovering 2,994,000.00 25,714,a36.00 J. J. Williams 132,500.00 2.419,629.00 4.75 W. H. Holmes 941,862.79 26,047,093.00 2.10 Amos Ives 43.6;34.9.s 3,340,989.00 1.25 M. T. Krueger A227,00O.OO 6,500,000.00 0.90 Henry E. Weeks 13,000.00 4,152.795.00 1.75 Georg-e W. Payne 6,728,000.00 144,684,425.00 2.31 David S. Kose 6,655,740.20 109,000,000.00 2.32 James Gray 16,500,000.00 0.60 J. C. Bush 90,000.00 1.949,405.00 8.00 Gustof Swensson 1,250.000.00 18,000,000.00 1.12 John H. Clisby 1,394,3.32.00 2:3,151,161.00 1.44 Edwin W. Fiske 800.000.00 3,105.000.00 6.40 E. B. Fuiliam 483,500.00 4,145,085.00 4.27 James Balbinnie 597,000.00 13,136,075.00 2.10 Jason E. Tolles 3,318,800.00 35,399,390.00 1..50 K. H. Dudley 388,976.08 10,500,000.00 1..S0 Edward Crnmbo 10,700,000.00 137,042,541.00 2.10 James M. Seymour 3,002,196.00 56,859,576.00 1.92 Charles S. Ashley 817,092.69 9,462,772.00 1.15 M. C. Webster 1.068,369.90 10,301,241.00 2.40 N. Williamson 728,269.67 10,908,280.00 1.76 Benjamin B. Odell 306,624.85 9,691.000.00 1.61 Thomas Hu.se 173.500.00 12,0110,01 III. on 1.40 Samuel W. Smith 3,124,645.11 62,1.'")'J.1I>^(I.(I(I l.SO F. B. Farnsworth •20,855.489.72 139,199,913.00 2.75 W. C. Flower 1,085,100.00 Edward Biltz 744,000.00 37,517,500.00 1.00 Patrick J. Boyle 4,293,800.54 55,315,300.00 1.62 Edward B. Wilson

City Clerk for 1899

C. B. Jones .Vrthur E. Badger .M. J. O'Donnell John W. Cramer Samuel McKee B. W. Alpiner George E. Yeager Charles Curry W. L. Johnston J. T. Cummings John M. Vrchota James K. Risk Edw. E. Smeltz John Bohnet C. J. ('orcoran O. E. Mallory C. E. Lynch W. K. Duley Austin D. Fausler C. H. Hance Kobert W. Brown G. C. Dadman John M. Otey in J. W. Attwill L. D. Holden Edward C. Smith Martin .T. Bulchcr Frank M. Kemv J. Ward Follelt Peter B. Murphy George A. Meads J. C. Haling Allston P. Joyce James H. Walton Herman Hess Edward J. Heise James P. Stow L. H. Hogate L. A. Lydiard R. B. Owen, Jr. Charles G. Carlson C. P. Hardaway William N. Hoyt Bert C. Benham Porter P. Misner A. A. Hall J. P. Byrne T. M. McCulloch Lewis J. Wendell Daniel B. Leonard A. L. Thompson John L. James D. J. Coutant George H. Stevens Will E. Marshall R. F. Lyon W. S. Brashear Frank H. Covalt Wni. G. Stevens L F. Kingsbury

Jamestown, N.Y. Janesville, Wis. Jersey City, N.J. Johnstown, Pa. Kalamazoo, Mich. Kankakee, 111. Kansas City, Kan. Kan.sas City, Mo. Keokuk, la. Kingston, N.Y. La Crosse, Wis. Lafayette, Ind. Lancaster, Pa. Lansing, Mich. Lawrence, Mass. Leadville, Col. Lima, O. Little Rock, Ark. Logansi)ort, Ind. Los Angeles, Cal. Louisville, Ky* Lowell, Mass. Lynchburg, Va. Lj'nn, Mass. McKeesport, Pa. Maiden, Mass. Manchester, N.H. Manistee, Mich. Manslield, O. Marinette, Wis. Marlboro, ^lass. Marquette, Mich. Massillon, O. Medford, Mass. Memphis, Tenn. Menominee, Mich. Merlden, Ct. Michigan City, Ind. Middietow^n, Ct. Millvilie, N.J. Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. Mobile, Ala. Mohne, 111. Montgomery, Ala. Mount Vernon, N.Y. Muscatine, la. Muskegon, Mich. Nashua, N.H. Nashville, Tenn. New Albany, Ind. Newark, N.J. New Bedford, Mass. New Britain, Ct. New Brunswick, N..J, Newburg, N.Y. Newburyport, Mass. Newcastle, Pa. New Haven, Ct. New Orleans, La. Newport, Ky. Newport, R.I. Newton, Mass.