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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/302

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cclxxii UNITED STATES IV. BOOKS OF REFERENCE CONCERNING THE UNITED STATES 1. Official Publications Agriculture, Reports of the Department of. Washington. Appropriation, Letter from Secretary of Treasury with estimate of Annual. Washington. Army Register of the United States. Washington. Census, Tenth. Vols. I.-XXI. 4. Washington, 1883-89. Census, Eleventh. Washington, 1890-97. Commerce of the United States, Reports on the Foreign, and of Bureau of Foreign Commerce. Annual. Washington. Congressional Directory. Annual. Washington. Constitutions, Federal and State, compiled by B. P. Poore. 2 pts. 8. Washington, 1877. Debt of the United States, Statement of the Public. Annual. Wash- ington. Education, Annual Reports of Commissioner of. Washington. Edu- cation Bureau, Circulars of. Washington. Engineers, Reports of the Chief of U. S. Army. [Describes public works on navigable rivers, etc.] Annual. Washington. Ethnology Bureau, Reports of. Washington. Foreign Office List. By Sir E. Herstlet. Annual. London. Foreign Relations of the United States, Papers relating to, transmitted to Congress. Annual. Washington. Foreign Office Reports (British). Annual Series and Miscellaneous Series. London. Geological and Geographical Survey, Annual Reports of. Washington. Immigration, Report of Commissioners. 8. Washington, 1892. Interior, Report of Secretary on Operations of Department of the. Annual. AYashington. International Law of the United States, Digest of. 3 vols. Wash- ington, 1886. Land Office, Report of Commissioner. Annual. Washington. Laws of the United States relating to Loans and the Currency, Coinage, and Banking. Washington, 1886. Loans and Currency, Acts of Congress relating to, 1846-85. 8. New York, 1888. Labor Laws of the United States. Washington, 1892. Report of Connnissioner of Labor. Special. Washington. Mineral Resources of the United States. By D. T. Day. Annual. Washington. Mint, Report of the Director of. Annual. Washington. Navy Register of the United States. Washington. Navy, Report of the Secretary of. Annual. Washington. Official Register of the United States. Washington. Prices, Wages, and Transportation, Report on, by Mr. Aldrich of the Committee on Finance. 4 pts. 8. Washington, 1893. Railways, Report on Statistics of, to Interstate Commerce Commission. Annual. Washington. Revenue, Report of Commissioner of Internal. Annual. Washington. Statistical Abstract of the United States. Annual. Washington.