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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/310

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Education, Bureau of, xiii. Eight-hour laws, ccxxiv. Embassies and legations of the United States, xxiv. Engraving and Printing, Bureau of, viii. Ethnology, Bureau of American, xvii. Executive Mansion, rules of, iv. Executive, tlie, ii. Expenditures and receipts, clxiv, clxv. Expenditures and revenues, clxi, clxii ; per capita, clxiii. Experiment Station, office of, xiv. Exported articles, prices of, cxxxix. Exports, according to sources of pro- duction, cxxxi ; by countries, cxxvii ; by classes, cxxvi ; increase and de- crease of, cxxix ; in order of magni- tude, cxxxvii. Factory Inspection, Boards of, ccxxvi. Failures, clxxxvii. Farms, number and size of, xcix. Finances, of the States, ccxxvii ; of United States, clix. Fish and Fisheries, Commission of, xvi. Foreign Commerce, Bureau of, v. Foreign embassies and legations of the United States, xxvii. Forestry, cvii. Forests, public, xcii. Geographic Names, Board of, xvi. , Geological Survey, xiv. Gold, coinage value of ounce of, clxxvii ; price of, in London, clxxvi. Gold and silver, commercial value of, clxxvi ; exports of, to various coun- tries, cxlvi; from U. S. mines, cxii ; production by States, cxii ; re- ceived at the mints and assay offices, clxviii ; used in manufac- tures, cxiii. Gold coin and bullion, value of, im- ported and exported, cxliii. Government of United States, i. Governors, of States and Territories, ccxxiii ; salaries and terras of, ccxxiii. Guam (Ladrones) , col. Hawaii, ccxxviii ; area and population, ccxxx ; balance of trade, ccxxxvi ; commerce and shipping, ccxxxiv ; debt and taxes, ccxxxiii ; finances, ccxxxii ; illiteracy, ccxxxi ; immi- gration and emigration, ccxxxi; labor statistics, ccxxxiv ; religions, ccxxxii ; silver coin, ccxxxiii ; sugar plantation statistics, ccxxxiv.

Hawaiian Commission, xviii. Hay, production and price, civ. Idiots, ccviii. Illiterates, cxcviii. Immigrants in industries, xcviii. Immigration, xciv; Bureau of, viii. Imports, by countries, cxxvii; by classes, cxxvi ; increase and decrease of, cxxx; in order of magnitude, cxxxvii. Indian Affairs, Office of, xiii. Industrial and Commercial Conditions of Cuba, Commission on, xix. Industrial Commission, xvii. Insane, ccviii. Instruction, schools, cxcvii. Insurance, Commissioners of, cxciii ; fire, cxc; life, cxcii. Interior Department : — Secretary, Assistant Secretaries, Chief Clerk, Disbursing Clerk, Gen- eral Land Office, Patent Office, Bu- reaus of Pensions, Indian Affairs, Education, Commissioner of Rail- roads, Geological Survey, Census Office, and duties, xiii, xiv. Internal communications, cl. Internal Revenue, Bureau of, vii. International Exchanges, Bureau of, xvii. Interstate Commerce Commission, xv. Iron manufactures, cxvii. Joint High Commission, U. S. and British, xviii. Judicial System, Federal and State, Ixxxi. Judiciary, Ixxxi. Justice, Department of : — Attorney-General, Assistant Attor- neys-General, Solicitor General, So- licitors for Departments, Chief Clerk, Disbursing Clerk, and duties, X, xi. Labor, Department of, xv. Labor legislation, ccxxiv. Labor statistics, offices of, ccxxvii. Land Office, xiii. Legations and embassies of the United States, xxiv. Legislative, Ixvii. Librarian of Congress, Ixxx. Library, Congressional, buildings and grounds, Ixxxi. Life-Saving Service, viii, cxlix. Light-House Board, viii. Liquors, c()nsunii)tion of, cxxii ; mate- rials used in (iistilleries, cxxi ; pro- duction of, cxx ; traffic, cxx.