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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/360

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More than one-fourth of the total urban population, and nearly one- seventh of the total population of England and Wales are concentrated in the metropolis. The limits of the metropolis were defined by the Registrar- Genei-al, in the census returns of 1891, as consisting of an ' Inner Ring * and an 'Outer Riu^,' the former subdivided into a 'Central Area' and 'Rest of Inner Ring.' The following table gives the results of the censuses in 1881 and 1891 :—

Divisious of the Metropolis Population Rates of Increase ( + ) or Decrease (-) per cent. 1881 1891 1871-81 1881-91 Central Area . Rest of ' Inner Ring ' Inneror Registration London ' Outer Ring ' . ' Greater London ' . 1,101,994 2,713,550 1,022,529 3,188,527 - 4-6 -f29-3 - 7-2 + 17-5 3,815,544 951,117 4,211,056 1,422,276 + 17-3 4-50-5 -f 10-4 -f49-5 4,766,661 5,633,332 -f227 + 18-2

The population of registration London in the middle of 1897, was 4,463,169; in the middle of 1898, as estimated by the Registrar-General, it was 4,504,766; of the ' outer ring,' 1,903,555; total (or ' gi-eater London '), 6,408,321. The night population of the City of London in 1891 was 37,694 (50,652 in 1881); the day population in 1891 was 301,384; in 1881 it was 261,061. The following is the division of the population aged 10 years and upwards in England and Wales according to occupation in 1891 : —

— Males Females 328,393 1,759,555 35,358 52,026 1,840,898 7,445,660 11,461,890 Total Professional class Domestic ,, Commercial ,, Agricultural and fishing class . Industrial class Unoccupied class Total . 597,739 140,773 1,364,377 1,284,919 5,495,446 1,708,713 10,591,967 926,132 1,900,328 1,399.735 1,336,945 7,336,344 9,154,373 22,053,857

2. Scotland. Scotland has an area of 29,785 square miles, including its islands, 186 in number, with a population (including military in barracks and seamen on board vessels in the harbours), according to the census of 1891, of 4,025,647 souls, giving 135 inhabitants to the square mile. The following table exhibits the numbers of the population of Scotland at the dates of the sevfya^ censuses, together with tl^e deijsity per squfti'^ mile;^