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the village population, 447,884 ; and the rural, 980,837. In 1891 the town population was 2,631,291, showing an increase of 14-06 per cent. ; the village population was 465,836, the increase being 4-01 per cent; and the rural 928,513, there being a decrease of 5 '33 per cent. The occupations of the people, according to the census of 1891, were as follows : —

— Males Females Total Professional class . 75,532 35,787 111,319 Domestic ,, 13,102 190,051 203,153 Commercial ,, 170,676 10,276 180,952 Agricultural ,, 219,042 30,082 249,124 Industrial ,, 742,036 290,368 1,032,404 Unoccupied and non-produc- tive class .... Total .... 722,329 1,526,363 2,248,695 1,942,717 2,082,930 4,025,647

3. Ireland. Ireland has an area of 32,531 square miles, or 20,819,982 acres, inhabited, in 1891, by 4,704,750 souls. The following table gives the population of Ireland at different census periods, with the density per square mile : —

Year of Census PoP^l^Hon i D-tT^ Tear of Census Population Density per sq. mile 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 5,395,456 5,937,856 6,801,827 7,767,401 8,175,124 166 186 209 239 251 1 1851 ' 1861 1871 1881


6,552,385 201 5,798,564 178 5,412,377 167 5,174,836 i 159 4,704,750 j 144

The subjoined tables give the results of the enumerations in the four provinces of April 3, 1881, and of April 5, 1891, together with the decrease, in numbers and rate per cent., between 1881 and 1891 : —

Provinces 1881 1891 Decrease between 1881 and 1891 Number Rate per cent. Leinster Munster . Ulster Connaught Total of Ireland 1,278,989 1,331,115 1,743,075 821,657 1,187,760 1,172,402 1,619,814 724,774 91,229 158,713 123,261 96,883 7*13 11-92 •07 11-79 5,174,836 4,704,750 470,086 9-08

The area and the population of the counties of the four provinces of Ireland at he census of April 5, 1891, are given in the following tabic : —