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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/431

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The total number of vessels that entered coastwise in 1897 was 329,817, of 56,518,753 tons; and cleared, 294,662 vessels, of 49,417,222 tons. The total number of vessels that entered the ports of the Kingdom in 1897 was 394,464, of 101,442,082 tons; and cleared, 359,440 of 94,692,756 tons.

Internal Communications. I. Railways.

The following table shows the total length of the railways of the United Kingdom open at the end of the years given, and the average yearly increase in miles : —


Line Open

Av. Yearly Increase


Line Open

Av. Yearly Increase

1850 1860 1870





Miles 265 381 510

1880 1890 1897

Miles 17,933 20,073 21,433

Miles 240 214 194

Of the total length of lines open January 1, 1898, there belonged to England and Wales 14,818 miles, to Scotland 3,447 miles, and to Ireland 3,168 miles.

The following table gives the length of lines open, the capital paid up, the number of passengers conveyed, and the traffic receipts of all the railways of the United Kingdom in 1878, and each of the last five years : —

I Length of lines

Year ^P^" *^ ^®*^l the end I

of each


Total Capital

paid up

(shares and

loans) at the

end of each


Miles 1878 17,333 I 698,545,154 1893120,646 971,323,353

1894 20,908 1 985,387,355

1895 21,174 |],001, 110,221

Number of Passengers

conveyed (ex- clusive of

season-ticket holders)

No. 565,024,455 873,177,052


From Passengers

911,412,926 36,495,488 929,770,909 37,361,162 980,339,433 39,120,865 1897 21,43311,089,765,095,1,030,420,201 40,518,064

1896 21,277 !l,029,475,335i


26,889,614 35,849,449

From (Joods Traffic

33,564,761 |40,994,637 '43,379,078 44,034,885



Total, includ- ing Miscella- neous

62,862,674 80,631,892 84,310,831 85,922,702 90,119,122 93,737,054

Of the total capital at the end of 1897 the English railways had 896,411,043^., Scottish 153,887,595/., and Irish 39,466,457/. In the division of tlie receipts of 1897, England and Wales took 79,759,776/., Scotland 10,438,957/., and Ireland 3,538,321/. The