xxiv UNITED STATES this list, unless serious objection exists, the appointing officer must make his selection. The annual salary roll of this force of nearly 179,000 people aggre- gates nearly $100,000,000. The compensation of Assistant Secretaries, Commissioners, and heads of bureaus ranges from $3000 to $7500 per annum. Chief Clerks receive from $2000 to $2o00 ; Disbursing Clerks are generally paid $2000, although in some instances they receive more. The clerical force at Washington is graded from $900 per annum, for copyists, to $1800. There are clerks at $1000 ; clerks of the first class, $1200; clerks of the second class, $1400; clerks of the third class, $1600, and clerks of the fourth class, $1800. Messengers are paid $840, and assistant messengers $720 per annum. A captain of the watch is paid $840, and watchmen $720 per annum. Skilled laborers are paid $660, laborers $600, and charwomen $240 per annum. UNITED STATES EMBASSIES AND LEGATIONS ARGENTINA William I. Buchanan, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Buenos Ay res. Francois S. Jones, Secretary of Legation, Buenos Ayres. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Addison C. Harris, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Vienna. Charles V. Herdliska, Secretary of Legation, Vienna. Commander F, M. Barber, Naval Attache. BELGIUM Bellamy Storer, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Brussels, BOLIVIA George IT. Bridgman, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, La Paz. BRAZIL Charles Page Bryan, Envoy Extraordinary and INIinister Plenipotentiary, Kio de Janeiro. Thomas C. Dawson, Secretary of Legation, Rio de Janeiro. Lieut. James A. Shipman, Military Attach 6. CHILE Henry L. Wilson, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Santiago. Henry J. Lenderink, Secretary of Legation, Santiago. CHINA Edwin H. Conger, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Peking. H. G. Squiers, Secretary of Legation, Peking. William K. Bainbridge, Second Secretary, Peking. Lieut. Albert L. Key, Naval Attach^. Fleming D. Cheshire, Interpreter, Peking. COLOMBIA Charles Burdett Hart, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Bogota. James C. McNally, Secretary of Legation and Consul-General, Bogota.
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