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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/473

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British T'erritory.

Year Area 'Population Year Area Population 1841 1851 1861 626,000 776,000 856,000 158-58 178-50 196-03 1871 ! 1881 1891 860,000 875,186 964,993 195-84 198-86 221-17

The subjoined tables embody the leading details of the census taken February 26, 1891, and the population obtained at the previous census : —

British Provinces Area in square miles No. of Dis- tricts 2 13 26 12 4 5 Population in 1881 Population in 1891 1 1 Increase Pop. pei sq. mile 1891 Ajmere Assam Bengal : — Bengal Behar Orissa Chota Nagpur . Total Bengal . Berars Bombay Presidency :— Bombay . Sind .... Aden Total Bombay . Burma:— Upper Lower Total Burma Central Provinces Coorg Madras N.-W. Provinces and Oudh : — • N.-W. Provinces Oudh. Total United Pro- vinces Punjab Quetta, &c. Andamans Total British Pro- vinces. 2,711 49,004 460,722 4,881,426 542,358 5,476,833 81,636 595,407 2,669,711 1,266,400 257,553 402,803 200 112 70,538 44,186 9,853 26,966 35,607,628 23,127,104 3,789,799 4,225,989 38,277,339 24,393,504 4,047,352 4,628,792 543 552 411 172 151,543 47 6 66,750,520 71,346,987 4,596,467 471 164 17,718 77,275 47,789 80 2,672,673 2,897,491 15,985,270 2,871,774 44,079 224,818 19 5 1 25 17 19 36 18 1 21 37 12 14,057,284 2,413,823 34,860 1,927,986 457,951 9,219 i 207 60 125,144 83,473 87,957 16,505,967 3,736,771 18,901,123 2,94^,933 4,658,627 7,605,560 10,784,294 173,055 35,630,440 34,254,254 12,650,831 2,395,156 2f?46,933 921,856 151 35 53 44 125 109 252 411 522 171,430 86,501 1,583 141,189 83,286 24,217 9,838,791 178,302 30,827,113 945,503 — 5,247 4,803,327 32,762,766 11,387,741 44,150,507 18,843,186 14,628 1,491,488 1,263,090 107,503 110,067 964,993 49 32 46,905,085 20,866,847 27,270 15,609 2,754,578 2,023,661 27,270 981 436 189 250 1 198,860,606 1 221,172,952 22,312,346 229

The totals for population shown in column 4, include 43,634 for the north Lushai country (under A.ssam), 2,946,933 for Upper Burma, and 27,270 for