xxviii UNITED STATES BOLIVIA (Office of Legation, care of Consulate of Bolivia, 15 Whitehall Street, New York City) Senor Luis Paz, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. BRAZIL (Oflloe of the Legation, 1744 N Street, NW) Mr, J. F. de Assis Brasil, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary. Mr. Manoel de Oliveira Lima, First Secretary of Legation. CHILE (Office of the Legation, 1719 De Sales Street, NW) Sefior Don Carlos Morla Vicuna, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Seiior Don Eliodoro Infante, First Secretary. Senor Don Manuel Balmaceda, Second Secretary of Legation. Senor Don Enrique Cuevas, Attach^. CHINA (Office of the Legation, 1764 Q Street, NW) Mr. Wu Ting-fang, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Mr. Shen Tung, First Secretary. Mr. Shoii Ting, Second Secretary. Mr. Chow Tsz-chi, Second Secretary. Mr. Chung Mun-yew, Secretary Interpreter. Mr. Yung Kwai, Interpreter. Mr. Hwang Chung-huei, Attach^. Mr. Chwang Hai-Kwan, Attach^. Mr. Hsu Choo, Attach^. Mr. Li Kwang Heng, Student Interpreter. COLOMBIA (Office of the Legation, 1728 I Street, NW) Senor Don Climaco Calderon, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary. Seiior Don Julio Rengifo, Secretary of Legation and Charge d' Affaires ad interim. COSTA RICA (Office of the Legation, 2111 S Street, NW) Seiior Don Joaquin Bernardo Calvo, Minister Resident. Senor Don Luis Yglesias, Attach^. DENMARK (Office of the Legation, 1521 Twentieth Street, NW) Mr. Constantin Brun, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Sefior Don Alejandro Woz y Gil, Charg^ d'Affaires, 31 and 33 Broadway, New York. Sefior Don Perry Allen, Counsellor of Legation, The Cochran, Washington. ECUADOR (Office of the Legation, The Arlington) Seiior Don Luis Felipe Carbo, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary.
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