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Review of the Accounts of the sea-borne Foreign Trade of British India. Annual. Simla.

Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the year 1894-95. Fol. London, 189(3.

Statistical Abstract for the several Colonial and other Possessions of the United King- dom. Annual. London.

Statistical Abstract relating to British India. Annual. London.

Statistical Atlas of India. Calcutta, 1895.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. 4. London.

Watt (Dr. a.), Dictionary of the Economic Products of India. Calcutta, 1885-92.

A Classified List of Reports, &c., in the Record Branch of the India Office. London, 1894.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Adye (Sir J .), Indian Frontier Policy. Historical Sketch. London, 1S97. ^adeu-PowcWCB. H.), Land Systems of British India. ;J vols. Oxford, 1892. A Short Account of the Land Revenue and its Administration in British India. 8. Oxford, 1894.— The Indian Village Community. London, 1890.

Balfour (Edward), The Cyclopoidia of India. 3 vols. London, 1885.

Bird (G. W.), Wanderings in Burma. Loudon, 1897.

Birdwood (Sir G.) .The Industrial Arts of India. London, 1887.

Black (C E. D.), Memoir on the Indian Surveys, 1875-1890. London, 1891.

Bose (P. N.), History of Hindu Civilisation during British Rule. 4 vols. London. 1890. [In Progress.]

Braddon (Sir E. N. C), Thirty Years of Shikar. London, 1895.

Chesney (General Sir G.), Indian Polity : a View of the System of Administration in India. 3rd ed. London, 1894.

Chevrillon (A.), Romantic India. [Eng. Trans.] London, 1897.

Crawford (A.), Our Troubles in Poona and the Deccan. London, 1897.

Crooke (W.), The Tribes and Castes of the North-West Provinces and Oudh. 4 vols. Calcutta, 1890. The Po]iular Religion and Folk-Lore of Northern India. 2 vols. London, 1897. The North-West Provinces of India, their History, Ethnology, and Administration. London, 1897.

Cumming (E. D.), With the Jungle Folk. Burmese Village Life. London, 1897.

Cunningham (Sir H. S.), British India and its Rulers. 8. London, 1S81.

Danvers (F. C.), Letteis received by the East India Company from its Servants in the East. 2 vols. London, 1890-97. [In progress.]

Dilke (Sir Charles Wentworth, Bart., M.P.), Greater Britain : a Record of Travel in English-speaking Countries in 1800 and 1807. New edit. 8. London, 1885.

Dubois (J. A.), Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies. [Eng. Trans.] 2 vols Oxford, 1897.

Du/f (Grant), The History of the Mahrattas. London, 1820.

Diifferin (Marquis of), Speeches delivered in India. London, 1890.

Eckenslein (O.), The Karakorum and Kashmir. 8. London, 1890.

Elliot (Sir H. M.), History of India as told by its own Historians. The Mussulman period. 8 vols. London, 1809-77.

Elphinstoiie (M.), History of India. London, 1860.

Feirars (Max and Bertha), Burma. London, 1898.

J-ielding (H.), The Soul of a Peo]de. [Buddhism in Burma.] London, 1898.

Fontpertuis (Ad. Front de), L'Inde britannique. 8. Paris, 1878.

Frazer (R. W.), Britisli India in 'Story of the Nations' series. London, 1897.

Gough (Sir C), and Inne» (A. D.), The Sikhs and the Sikhs' War. London, 1897.

Grijfin (Sir Lepel IL), The liajas of the Punjab, being the History of the principal States in the Punjab. 2nd edit. 8. London, 1872.

.Ht(r^ (Mrs. E.), Picturesque Burma Pa.st and Present. London, 1807.

HurUer (Sir W. W.), The Indian Empire, its History, People, and Products. New edit, London, 1893.— Life of the Earl of Mayo. London, 1870.— Annuls of Rural Bengal. London, 1897. (Editor) Rulers of India Series. London, 1890-93.

Hutchinson (H. D.), The Campaign in Tirah, l^y7-98. London, 1898.

Ilbert (Sir C. P.) The Goveuiment of India. Oxford, 1898.

Innea (McL.), The Sepoy Revolt. London, 1897.

Jacolliot (L.), Lois, pretres, et castes dans I'lnde. 8. Paris, 1877. *

Johnston (Sir J.), My Experiences in Manipur and the Naga Hills. London, 1896.

Kaye (Sir J. W.), The Administration of the East India Coiii}.any : a History of Indian Progress. 8. London, 1853. And Malleson {Co\. G. 11.). History of the Indian Mutiny, 1857-58. New ed. 6 vols. London, 1897.