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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/664

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In addition to these, green forage and permanent artificial grasses covered about 138,425 acres, vines covered about 27,700 acres, and gardens and orchards occujHcd an extent of about 44,800 acres in 1897-98.

At the census of 1891, there were in the colony 436,469 horses, 1.782,881 head of cattle (including 395,192 milch cows), 12,692,843 sheep, and' 282,457 pigs. In 1896-97, the milch cows numbered 457,924.

II. Mining.

■The subjoined statement gives, from official returns, the estimated quantities of gold, with value, obtained in Victoria in each of the last five years : —


1893 1894 1895

Number of Ounces

Ap]iroxiinate Value

V „ Number of

^^^ Ounces

Approximate Value

671,126 716,954 740,086

£ 2,684,504 2,867,816 2,960,344


1 1896 1897

805,087 812,766

^ i 3,220,348


The total quantity of gold raised from 1851 to 1897 is estimated at 61,847,448 oz., of an aggregate value of 247,389,792?. The estimated number of miners at work on the gold-fields at the end of 1897 was 32,820.

III. Manufactures.

The total number of manufactories, works, &c. in March 1897, was 2,855, of which about 1,743 used steam or gas engines, with an aggregate horse-power of 38,755 ; the number of hands employed was 50,754 ; and the lands, buildings, machinery, and plant were valued at 12,337,400?. The manufactures are almost entirely for home consumption.


There is a heavy tariff on most of the important articles of import, the total customs duties collected in 1897 amounting to 1,875,169/. equal to about 12 per cent, of the total value of imports.

The total value of the imports and exports of Victoria, includ- ing bullion and specie, in each of the last five years, was : —


Total Imports

Total Exports


Total Imports

1 Total Exi»orts

1893 1894 1895

£ 13,283,814 12,470,599 12,472,344

£ 13,308,551 14,026,546 14,547,732

1 1896




£ 14,554,837 15,454,482

14,198,518 16,739,670

The value of the trade during 1896 and 1897 between Victoria and the principal British and foreign countries is shown in the following table, according to Victorian returns : —