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Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. London.

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Higiene Publica, Anales de. Monthly. Buenos Aires.

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Informe sobre deuda publica, bancos, <fec., por P. Agote. Ano vii. Buenos Aires, 1896.

Instituto Gcographico Argentino, Boletin del. Buenos Aires.

L' Agriculture TEievage, I'lndnstrie, et le Commerce dans la Province de Buenos Aires in 1895. Buenos Aires, 1897.

La Republica Arj,'entina en la Exposicion Universal de Paris, 1889.

Ligeros apuntes sobre el clima de la Re]n'iblica Argentina, por el Director de la oflcina meteorologicaGualterio G. Davis. Buenos Aires, 1889.

Los presupuestos, los rectirsos y las leyes de impuestos de la nacion, las 14 provincias y las principales municipalidades. Ano de 1894. Buenos Aires, 1895.

Map of the Argentino Republic. With a short description of the country. Published by the Argentine Government Information Ofllco.

Memoria del Ministerio del Interior de la Republica Argentina, presentada al Congreso nacional de 1806. 4. Buenos Aires, 1896.

Memoria presont^ida por el Ministrode Estado en el departamento de Hacienda al Congreso nacional de 1896. 4. Buenos Aires, 1896.

Message of the President of the Republic in opening the Session of the Argentine Congress, May, 189s. Buenos Ayres, 1898.

Registro ostadistico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Fol. Buenos Aires, 1898.

2. Non.Qfficial Publications,

Akerg (C.E.), Argentine, Patagonian and Chilian Sketches. 8. London, 1893.

Aurignac (Romain d'). Amerique du Sud. Trois ans chez les Argentins. 4. Paris. 1890.

Bates (H. W.), South America. London, 1882.

Child (Theodore), The Spanish American Republics. London, 1891.

Crawford (A.), Across the Pampas and the Andes. London, 1884.

Dinreaux (Emile), Buenos Aires, la Pampa et la Patagonie. Pai-is, 1S7S.

Doddi (J.), Records of the Scottish Settlers on the River Plate. Buenos Ajrres, 1897,

Dominguez (L. L.), Historia Ai-gentina. 4th edit. Buenos Ayres, 1870.

Gibson (H.), History and Present State of the Sheep-Breeding Industry in the Argentine Republic. London, 1893.

Goodwin (W.), Wheat Growing in the Argentine Republic. Liverpool, 1895.

Hudson (W. H.), Idle Days in Patagonia. London.

Konig (A.), A traves de la Republica Argentina. Santiago, 1890.

Martinez (Alberto B.), El Presupuosto Nacional, Buenos Aires, 1890.

Mitre (Bartolome), Historia de San Martin. 4 vols. 8. Paris and Buenos Aires, 1890.

Mitre (B.), The Emancipation of South America. A Condensed Translation, by V Pilling, of The History of San Martin. London, 1893.

Mulhall (M. G. and E. T.), Handbook of the River Plate. London, 1893.

Mulhall (Mrs. M. G.), Between the Amazon and the Andes. London, 1884.

Paz (Ez. N.), and Mendonc^a (Manuel), Compte-Rendu de rExi)Osition continentale de la Republique Argentine. Buenos Ayres, 1882.

Paz Soldan (Mariano Felipe), Geografia Argentina. Buenos Ayres, 1885,

Report of the Council of the Corporation of Foreign Bondholders. Appendix fo r 1897 London, 1808.

Review of the River Plate. Weekly. Buenos Aires.

Rumbold (Sir H.), The Great Silver River. London, 1888.

Saldiaii (Adolfo), Rozas y su E]>oca. 2nd ed, 5 vols. 8. Buenos Aires, 1892.

Sarmiento (Domingo Faustino), Life in the Argentine Republic in the Days of the Tyrants. Translated by :^Irs. II. Mann. 8. London, 1868.

Turner (T. A.), Argentina and the Argentines. London, 1892.

Vincent (F.), Round and About South America. New York, 1890.

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