Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/800

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There are Consular representatives at Rio de Janeiro (C.G.), Bahia, Para, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul, Santos, Ceara, Maceio, Maranhfio, Porto Alegre, Manaos, Curityba, Paranagua, Penedo, Santa Catharina.

Statistical and other Books of Reference.

1 Official Publications.

Boletim da alfandega do Rio de Janeiro (weekly).

CoUecgao das leis do Imperio do Brazil e collecQao das decisoes do Governo do Imperio do Brazil. 8. Rio de Janeiro, 1864-8V.

Handbook of Brazil. No. 7 of publications of the Bureau of the American Republics. S. Washinj,^ton. 1892.

Relatario apresentadoaAssembleaGeralLegislativapeloMinistro de Estadodos Negocios do Imperio. Ditto, da Agricultura, Commercio e Obras Publicas. Rio de Janeiro, 1896.

Empire of Brazil at the Universal Exhibition of 1876 at Philadeliihia. 8. Rio de Janeiro, 1876.

Recenseamento do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 30 de Agosto, 1892. 8. Rio de Janeiro, 1893.

Recenseameuto do Districto Federal em 31 de Dezembro de 1890. Rio de Janeiro, 1895.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. Loudon.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. 4. London.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Abreu and Cabral. Brazil geografico-historico. Rio de Janeu'O, 1884.

Agassiz (houis), Journey in Brazil. S. London, 1S6S.

Araujo (Oscar d'), L'Idee Republicaine an Bresil. Paris, 1893.J

Bates (H. W.), South America. London, 1882.

Bateii{B.. W.), The Naturalist on the River Amazon. London, 1864.

Buyern (Therese Prinze>;sin von), Meine Reise in den brazilianischen Tropen. Berlin. 1897.

Bigg-Wither (Thomas P.), Pioneering in South Brazil. 8. London, 1878.

Broxon (C. B.). and Lidstone (W.), Fifteen Thousand Miles on the Amazon and its Tribu- taries. London, 1878.

Burton (Capt. R. F.), Exploration of the Highlands of Brazil. 2 vols. 8. London, 1869.

Canstatt (Oskar), Das re]iublikanische Bra.silien in Vergaiigeulieit und Gegenwart, 1898.

Constitution des Etats-Unis du Bresil. Paris, 1891.

Dent (J. H.), A Year in Brazil. London, 1886.

Fialho (A.), Historia de fundacao da Republica. 8. Rio de Janeiro, 1891.

Fletcher (Rex. Jas. C.)and Kidder (Rev. D. P.), Brazil and the Brazilian j. 9th ed. S. London, 1879.

Ford (Isaac N.), Tropical America, S. London, 1893.

Gallenga (A.), South America. London, 1880.

Garraux (A. L.), Bibliographie Bresil ienne. Paris, 1898.

Grimm (J. Th.), Ileimatkuude des Staates Rio Grande do Sul. 8. Santa Cruz, 1891.

Hartt (Charles F.), Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil. Boston, 1870.

II Brasile. Rivista meusile agricola, commerciale, industriale, e finanziaria. Rio de Janeiro.

Keller (Franz), The Amazon and Madeira Rivers. Fol. London, 1874.

Laemviert (J^dwardo von), Almanak administrativo, luercantil e industrial, da corte e provincia do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro.

Le Brisil. Paris (published weekly).

Levanseur (E.), Ije Bresil. Extract de la Grande Encyclopedie. 2nie edition accoin- paguee d'un Appendice et d'un Album de Vues du Bresil. 4. Paris, 1889.

Milton (A. A.), A Constitucao do Brazil S. Rio de Janeiro, 1895

Nabuco de Araujo (J.), Uin Estadista do Imperio, Nabuco de Araujo, sua Vida, suas Opinioes, sua Epoca. 2 vols. Paris, 1898.

Orton (James), The Andes and the Amazon ; or, Across the Continent of South America. 8. New York. 1876.

Ourem {Baron d'), Etude sur la Representation Proportionale au Bresil. Paris, 1887

Ourem (Baron d'), Notice sur les Institutions de Prevoyance au Bresil. Paris, 1883.

Ourem (Baron d'), Quelques Notes sur les Bureaux de Statistique au Bresil. Paris, 1885.

Sa(C. de), Braziliaii Railways. Rio de Janeiro, 1893.

Selys-Longchamps (W. de). Notes d'un voyage au Bresil. 8. Bruxelles, 1875.

Smith (II. II.), Brazil, the Amazon, and the Coast. London, 1880.

Sodre (L.), The State of Para. Loudon, 1893.

South American Journal. Published weekly. London.

Steinen (C. von), Unter den Naturvolkern Zentral-Braziliens. 8. Berlin, 1894.

Villalba (E.), A Revolta da Armada de 6de Setembro de 1893. 8. Rio de Janeiro 1894.

Vincent (Frank), Round and About South America. New York, 1890.

Wallace (A\fr^'([ R.), Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. 8. London, 1870.

Wells (J W.), Three Thousand Miles through Brazil. London, 1886.