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Colonies Area
English sq. m.
Population Imports,
Kroner Kroner
Iceland 39,756 70,927 1,520,000 2,972,000
Greenland 46,740 10,516 767,000 368,000
West Indies 138 32,786 409,000 136,000
Total 86,634 114,229 2,696,000 3,476,000

The amount of the trade of Iceland and of the Danish West Indies is insufficiently ascertained. The trade of Greenland is a State monopoly.

The West Indian Islands, St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John, are inhabited mostly by free negroes engaged in the cultivation of the sugar-cane; but the trade with Denmark, formerly considerable, has fallen off in recent years. The imports from the Danish West Indies into the United Kingdom amounted to 20,122 £. in 1897; and the exports of British produce to these islands to 55,086 £. The chief article of import into Great Britain from these islands in 1897 was sugar, 18,713 £.; while the British exports were mainly cotton goods, to the value of 15,324 £., and machinery, 4,445 £.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Denmark.

1. Official Publications.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. 4. London.

Aperçu preliminaire des principaux résultats de recensement du ler fevrier 1890 en Danemark. Copenhague, 1890.

Den dansk-tydske Krig, 1864. Udgivet af Generalstaben. 8. Copenhagen. 1890.

Foreign Office Reports on the Trade, &c., of Denmark. Annual. London.

Hof og Staats Kalender Annual. Kjobenhavn.

Justice criminelle, 1886-06. 4. Copenhagen.

Meddelelser (Statistiske) Tredie Raekke. 13de, 14de Bind. Kjöbenhavn, 1894.

Sammendrag af statistiske Oplysninger. 8. Kjobenhavn, 1896.

Statistisk Tabelvaerk. Kongerigets Vare-Indforsel og Udforsel samt den indenlandske Frembringclse af Braendeviin og Roesakker i Aaret 1896. Udgivet af det Statistiske Bureau. — Kongerigets Handels-Flaade og Skibsfart i Aaret 1896. 4. Kjobenhavn, 1897.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Andersen (L.), Copenhagen and its Environs. London.

Baedeker's Handbook for Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, 6th ed. 12. London, 1895.

Both, Kongeriget Danmark, en historisk-topographisk Beskrivelse. 2 vols. Copenhagen, 1882-85.

Cook (T.), Guide to Norway and Denmark. London, 1893.

Copenhagen and Its Environs [Danish Tourist Society publication]. London, 1898.

Dahlman (F. C), Geschichte von Dänemark. 3 vols. 8. Gotha, 1840-1843.

Gallenga (A.), The Invasion of Denmark in 1864. 2 vols. 8. London, 1864.

Goos (A. H. F. C), Grundtraek af den danske statsret. Copenhagen, 1890.

Hoffman (C. A.), Erindringer fra Krigen 1864. Copenhagen, 1892.

Jeaffreson (J. R.), The Faröe Islands. London, 1897.

Murray's Handbook for Denmark, 6th. ed. 8. London; 1893.

National ökonomisk Tidsskrift. Kjöbenhavn, 1896.

Nyholm (C. C. V.), Grundtraek af Danmarks Statsforvaltning. Copenhagen, 1893.

Otté (E. C.), Denmark and Iceland. 8vo. London, 1881.

Petersen (C. P. N.), Love og andre offentlige Kundgjorelser, &c., vedkommende Landvaesenet i Kongeriget Danmark. 8. Kjöbenhavn, 1865.

Sidgwick (C. S.), The Story of Denmark. London, 1890.

Torp (C.), Dansk Tingsret. Copenhgen, 1892.

Trap (J. P.), Statistisk-topographisk Beskrivelse af Kongeriget Danmark. 2nd ed. 4 vols. 8. Kjöbenhavn, 1872-78.

Weitemeyer (H.), Dänemark; Geschichte und Beschreibung. 12. (Of this there is an English translation. 8. London, 1891.)