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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/988

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In 1897-98 the revenue was 20,532,538 marks, and expendituro 27,801,451 marks. j\Iore than one-third of the revenue is raised from direct taxes, one-half of which is income-tax. The chief branch of expenditure is for interest and reduction of the public debt. The debt amounted, in 1898, to 141,984,533 marks. The whole of the debt, which bears interest at 3| and 4^ per cent. , was incurred for constructing railways, harbours, and other j)ublic works.

Commerce and Shipping.

Next to that of Hamburg, the port of Bremen is the largest for the inter- national trade of Germany. About 65 per cent, of the commerce of Bremen is carried on under the German, and about 30 per cent, under the British flag. The aggregate value of the imports in 1897 was 894,075,354 marks, of which 45,603,962 marks were from Great Britain ; and of exports, 852,262,456 marks, of which 34,177,522 marks went to Great Britain.

For shipping entered and cleared, see under 'German Empire.' The number of merchant vessels lielonging to the State of Bremen on December 31, 1897, was 473, of 453,556 tons net register, the number including 242 steamers of an aggregate Inirthen of 255,680 tons. Bremen has several im- ]»ortant shipping companies, the chief of which are the ' Korth German Lloyd' with, on January 1, 1898, 43 Atlantic steamers of 243,620 register tons and 222,700 horse-power, besides river steamers and other craft, bring- ing their total tonnage up to 272,266 tons; the 'Hansa' Company, with 35 steamers and other craft of altogether 87,218 tons, and the 'Neptune' Company with 37 steamers.

British Co7istol- General. — William Ward (Hamburg),

British Vice-Consuls at Bremen, Brake, and Bremerhaven.


Bippen (W. von), Gescliichte der Stadt Bremen. S. Bremen, 1891, &c.

Deutsches Handels-Arcliiv for June, 1^98. Berlin.

United States Consular Reports for February 1896. Washington.


(Braunschweig.) Regent.

Prince Albrecht, born ]\Iay 8, 1837 ; son of the late Prince Albrecht of Prussia, brother of the first German Emperor Wilhelm I., and Marianne, daughter of the late William I., King of the Netherlands, Field-Marshal in the German army. Married, April 19, 1873, to Princess J/arw, (died October 8, 1898), daughter of Duke Ernst of Saxe-Altenburg. Unanimously elected regent of the Duchy by the Diet, October 21, 1885 ; assumed the reins of government November 2, 1885. The children of the regent are: 1, Prince Friedrich Jlcinrich, born July 15, 1874; 2, Prince Joachim Albrecht, born September 27, 1876 ; 3, Prince Friedrich Wilhelm, born July 12, 1880.

The last Duke of Bmnswick was Wilhelm I., born April 25, 1806, the second son of Duke Friedrich Wilhelm and of Princess Marie of Baden ; ascended the throne April 25, 1831, and died October 18, 1884.

The heir to Bmnswick is the Duke of Cumberland, excluded owing to his refusal to give up claim to the throne of Hanover. The Duke of Cambridge, the