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pupils on last

day of school



average attendance


, 1910

„ 1911

21,123 21,199 21,294


7,082,800 6,852,120

1908-09 1909-10 1910-11

6,060,227 6,071,455 6,067,075

5,340,000 5,350,000 5,360,000

III 1911-12 ill England and Wales there were in the ordinary public elementary schools 103,509 certificated teachers, 44.461 'uncertificated {i.e., teachers recognised as 'uncertificated' under the Code of Regulations of the Board of Education), and 20,848 others ; total, 168,818 ; the average at- tendance at schools in 1911-12 was 5,357,000 (3,214,000 in Council Schools, 1,706,000 in Church of England Schools, 298,000 in Roman Catholic Schools, and 139,000 in other non-provided schools). There were in 1910-11, 47 higher elementary schools with 487 teachers and 8,852 registered pupils on the last day of the school year. 'Special' schools in England and Wales comprised, in 1910-11, 38 for the blind with 1,782 registered pupils, 50 for the deaf with 3,771 pupils, 242 for defective children with 16,966 pupils, 6 for epileptic children with 377 pupils and 65 'certified efficient' schools with 4,714 registered pupils. There were also 66 poor law schools with 706 teachers and trainers, and 14,847 children on the registers on March 31, 1911. In 1910-11, there were 85 training colleges in England and Wales with altogether 12,111 students.

Scolland. — By the Elementary Education Act of 1872, the Scotch Educa- tion Department was instituted, and each burgh and parish or group of parishes was required to have a school board to administer both elementary and middle-class schools. Elementary education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 14, with exemption, on conditions, for children over 12. In 1889, by a capitation grant, education was made free for the com- pulsory standards. In 1897 provision was made for grants in aid of volun- tary schools.

Years ended August 31

Schools in

receipt of


3,285 3,312 3,331 3,347 3,369


Average Attendance

Children on

School Registers at end of year

b 1907 m 1908 m 1909

m 1910

1,021,912 1,035,625 1,054,196 1,066,672 1,077,289

711,228 712,076 727,244 743,217


811,000 812,346 826,223 843,242 845,055

The table includes higher grade schools in receipt of grants. In 1911 these numbered 196; accommodation, 40,505; average attendance 24,083; on register at end of year, 24,444.

In 1910-11 of" the 3,369 schools, 3,020 were public schools with an average attendance of 654,862 pupils; 8 Church .of Scotland, average attendance 345 ; 1 fJnited Free Church, average attendance 62 ; 57 Episcopal, average atterulaiicc 8,983 ; 223 Roman Catholic, average attendance 84,534 ; and 60 Undciiuininational, average attendance 7,202. There were 18,869 certificated