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Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1913.djvu/613

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Charity. — Within the State there are (besides almshouses and asyhims for the insane, &c. ) 86 benevolent institutions, 74 of which have been provided by private persons or ecclesiastical bodies. They comprise 44 hospitals (seven public;, three dispensaries (one public), 16 orphanages (one public), three day nurseries, 18 homes mainly for adults (one public), a school for the deaf and another for the blind (both public). The county commissioners are supeiinteudents of the poor, and erect and maintain a county poor-house, or otherwise [irovide for the indigent's. They appoint an overseer. In counties with the township system of poor-relief, the super- visors of towns, and the common councils of villages and cities, are the superintendents of the poor, but the county commissioners (with the approval of the State board of control) may erect and maintain a poor-house. Parents, grand -parents, children, grand-children, brothers and sisters are liable for support of a pauper. Legal settlement is gained by a year's residence. In counties under township system there is provision for aiding non- resident paupers, and for deportation of alien paupers. A person bringing a pauper into a county is liable to a fine of 50 dollars.

Finance, Defence. — The revenue and expenditure for the year ending July 31, 1911, were: —


Balance on August 1, 1911 3,508,491

Receipts to July 31, 1912 15,805,302

Total 19,313,793

Payments to July 31, 1912 16,321,065

Balance August 1, 1912 2,992,728

The funded debt (1910) amounted to 141,000 dollars. The assessed value of property was (1909) : Real, 897,641,617 dollars ; personal, 193,043,319 dollars ; total, 1,090,684,936 dollars. In 1904 tlie value of all property in the State was estimated at : —


Real property 1,982,552,389

Personal property . . ... 1,361,169,657

Total 3,343,722,076

The Militia, called the National Guard, contained, in 1909, 201 officers and 6,747 enlisted men. All able-bodied men from 21 to 45 years of age are enrolled and liable to military service. The naval ndlitia has 11 officers and 123 men.

Production and Industry.— ^linnesota is largely an agricultural State. In 1910 it contained 156,137 farms with a total area of 27,675,823 acres, of which 19,643,533 acres was imi)roved land. In ]912 2,266,000 acies of land under maize violded 78,177,000 bushels. Other crops were wheat, 67,038,000 bushels; oats, 122,932,000 bushels; barley, 42,018,u00 bushels; tla.K-seed, 4,121,000 bushels. On January 1, 1910, the farm animals in- cluded 767,000 horses, 1,125,000 milk* cows and 1,288,000 other cattle; 482,000 sheep, and 1,003,000 swine. In 1911 the wool clip amounted to 1,747,200 pounds of wool, valued at 698,880 dollars.