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Books of Reference concerning Abyssinia.

Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series. London.

Die Hande!s-und Verkehrsverhaltnisse Abessiniens. Berlin, 1905.

Agreement between the United Kingdom, France, and Italy respecting Abyssinia, signed December, 13, 1906. London, 1907.

•Agreement between the United Kingdom, Fraree. and Italy respecting the Importa- tion of Anns and Ammunition into Abyssinia, signed December IS, 190S. London, 1907.

Mhill (L. F. I.), Through South-Western Abysaisda to the Nile, in the Geographical Journal for November, 1

Beceari (C.) (Editor;, Rerum -Fthir.picamm Scriptores Occidentals inediti a saeculo XVI ad XIX. 15 vols. Rome, 1903-17.

Berkeley (Q. B. H.). The Campaign of Adowa and the Rise of Menelik. London, 1902.

Blundrll (H Weld), A Journ> a. Gtoarapnieal Journal, vol. it, 1900

Borelli{J.), Ethiopie Meridional Ful. Paris, 1890.

Bruee (James), Travels to discover the 8onrces of the Nile, 1768-73. 5 vols. Edin- burgh, 1790.

Castro (Lincoln de), Nella terra del Negus. Pagine raccolie in Abissinia. 2 vols. Milan 1915.

Cuflno (L.), La Via da Assab all'Etiopia Centrale pel Golima. Naples, 1904.

D'Albadie (Autoine), Geodesic d'Ethiopie. Paris, 1860-73. — Geographic de l'Ethinpie Paris. 1890.

Duchetne-Fournet (J.), Mission en Ethiopie (1901-1903). Paris, 1909.

Faitlovitch (J.), Quer durch Abessimen. Berlin, 1910.

Fumagalli (G.), Bibliografla Etbpica. Milan, 1893.

Qleichen (Count), With the Mission to Menelik. London. 1898.

<J<7;/ioio-(T. L.), Abyssinia: Tbe Ethiopian Railway and the Powers. London, 1905.

Gtcynn(C. W ). A Journey in Southern Abvssmia, Geoaraphical Journal for August l u ll

Hayet (A. J.). The Sources of the Blue Nile. London, 1905

Hertslet (Sir E.), The Map of Africa by Treaty. 2nd ed. Vol.I. London, 189C.

Hod»on (Arnold), Southern Abvssin a. Geographical Journal for February, 1»19.

Holland (J. T.) and Hosier (H.), Kecord of the Exploration of Abyssinia. London, lt70.

Jenningt (J. W.) and Additon (Ch.), Withthe Abyssinians in Somaliland. London, 1905.

Johntton (Sir Harry), History of the Colonisation of Africa. Cambridge, 1899.

Keltie (J. S.). The Partition of Africa. London, 1895.

Kulmtr (F.). Im Reiche Kaiser Menehks. Leipzig, 1910.

Lauribar (P. de), Douze Ans en Abyssinie. Paris, 1898.

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Ortrot (F. Van), Conventions Internationales concernantFAfrique. Brussels 18°S

Portal (Sir G. H.), My Mission to Abyssinia. London, 1892.

Rohlft(Q.), Meine Mission nach Abessinien. 4c, 1880-81. Leipzig, 1 883.

Roux (Hugues le), Menelik et Nous. Paris, 1901.

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Stigand (Captain), To Abyssinia through an Unknown Land. London, 1910.

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WeUby (M. S ), Twixt Sirdar and Menelik. London, 1901.

Wulde, Modern Abyssinia. London, 1900.