Page:Statutes of Canada, Victoria 31, Part 1.djvu/87

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Collection of the Revenue, &c.
Cap. 5.

to attend accordingly,—or, being commanded to produce any document, paper or thing in his possession, fails to produce the same,—or refuses to be sworn or to answer any lawful and pertinent question put to him by the Board or by such Commissioner, such person shall, for each such offence, forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars to the Crown, for the public uses of the Dominion, to be recovered in any manner in which debts due to the Crown can be recovered, and may likewise be dealt with by the Court out of which the subpoena issued, as having refused to obey the process of such Court, and as being guilty of a contempt thereof.

Special Duties of the Auditor.

To see that appropriations are not exceeded.34. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to see that no warrant issues for the payment of any public money for which there is no direct parliamentary appropriation, or in excess of any portion of such appropriation the expenditure of which has been authorized by the Governor in Council; and he shall report to the Governor in Council through the Minister of Finance, any case in which a sub-accountant has expended money out of the proceeds of any accountable warrant, for any purpose for which there is no legislative authority or beyond the amount for which there is such authority.

No money warrant except on his certificate.35. No money warrant shall issue except upon the certificate of the Auditor that there is parliamentary authority for the expenditure, save only in the following cases:

Exception.1. If upon any application for a warrant, the Auditor has reported that there is no parliamentary authority for issuing it, then upon the Opinion of Attorney General.written opinion of the Law Officer of the Crown, that there is such authority, citing it, the Minister of Finance may authorize the Deputy Inspector General to prepare the warrant irrespective of the Auditor’s report;

Exception.2. If when Parliament is not in session, any Accidents or sudden emergency.accident happens to any public work or building which requires an immediate outlay for the repair thereof, or any other occasion arises when any expenditure not foreseen or provided for by Parliament is urgently and immediately required for the public good, then upon the Report of the Minister of Finance that there is no parliamentary provision, and of the Minister having charge of the particular service in question, that the necessity is urgent, the Governor in Council may order a special warrant to be prepared, to be signed by the Governor himself, for the issue of the amount estimated to be required, which shall be placed by the Receiver General to a special account, against which warrants may issue from time to time in the usual form, as they may be required.
