Page:Statutes of Canada, Victoria 31, Part 1.djvu/90

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Cap. 5.
Collection of the Revenue, &c.
31 Vict.

Proceedings in case of public money clearly appearing not to be paid over in due course.41. If at any time it appears clearly, by the books or accounts kept by or in the office of any officer or person employed in the collection or management of the Revenue or in accounting for the same, or by his written acknowledgment or confession,—that such officer or person hath by virtue of his office or employment received moneys belonging to Her Majesty, and amounting to a sum certain, which he hath refused or neglected to pay over to the officer duly appointed to receive the same, and in the manner and at the time lawfully appointed,—then upon affidavit of the facts, by any officer cognizant thereof, and thereunto authorized by the Governor in Council, made before a Justice or Judge of any Court having jurisdiction in civil matters to the amount of the sum so ascertained as aforesaid,—such Justice or Judge shall cause to be issued against and for the seizure and sale of the goods, chattels and lands of the officer or person so in default as aforesaid, such writ or writs as might have issued out of such Court, if the bond given by him had been put in suit, and judgment had been thereupon obtained in favour of Her Majesty, for a like sum, and any delay by law allowed between judgment and execution had expired; and such writ or writs shall be executed by the Sheriff or other proper officer, and such sum as aforesaid shall be levied under them with costs, and all further proceedings shall be had, as if such judgment as aforesaid had been actually obtained.

Unapplied public money to be paid back.42. If any officer or person has received public money for the purpose of applying it to any specific purpose, and has not so applied it within the time or in the manner provided by law,—or if any person having held any public office and having ceased to hold the same, has in his hands any public money received by him as such officer for the purpose of being applied to any specific purpose to which he has not so applied it,—such officer or person shall be deemed to have received such money for the Crown for the public uses of the Dominion, and may be notified by the Minister of Finance to pay such sum back to the Receiver General, Recovery if not paid.and the same may be recovered from him as a debt to the Crown, in any manner in which debts to the Crown may be recovered,—and an equal sum may in the meantime be applied to the purpose to which such sum ought to have been applied.

Liability for loss occasioned by neglect, &c.43. If by reason of any malfeasance, or of any gross carelessness or neglect of duty, by any officer or person employed in the collection or management of the Revenue, or in collecting or receiving any moneys belonging to the Crown, for the public uses of the Dominion, any sum of money is lost to the Crown,—such officer or person shall be accountable for such sum as if he had collected and received the same, and it may be recovered from him on proof of such malfeasance, gross carelessness or neglect, in like manner as if he had so collected and received it.
