Page:Statutes of Canada, Victoria 31, Part 1.djvu/92

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Cap. 5.
Collection of the Revenue, &c.
31 Vict.

Other remedies not impaired.3. Nothing herein contained shall prevent, lessen or impeach any remedy which Her Majesty or any other party has against such offender or his sureties, or against any other party whomsoever;—but nevertheless the conviction of any such offender shall not be received in evidence in any suit, or action at law or in equity, against him.

Miscellaneous Provisions.

Before whom oaths or affirmations may be taken, &c.47. In all cases wherein proof on oath or by affirmation or declaration is required by any law relating to the collection or management of the Revenue or to the accounting for the same, or is necessary for the satisfaction or consideration of the Governor in Council, in any matter relating to the collection or management of the Revenue or to the accounting for the same, and no person or officer is specially named as the officer or person before whom the same is to be made,—it may be made before any Collector or Chief officer of the Customs for the port or place where such proof is required, or before the persons acting for them respectively, or before such other officer or person as may be appointed to receive the same by the Governor, and such officers and persons shall administer such oath or affirmation or receive such declaration; Affirmation or declaration may be substituted for oath by Order in Council.And in any case or class of cases where an oath is required by this Act or by any law in force, in any matter relating to the collection or management of the Revenue or the accounting for the same, the Governor in Council, if he deems it fit, may authorize the substitution for such oath, of a solemn affirmation or of a declaration, which shall then avail to all intents and purposes as such oath would have done.

Inquiries concerning Revenue matters.48. Upon all examinations and inquiries made by order of the Governor in Council, for ascertaining the truth as to any fact relative to any matter concerning the collection or management of the Revenue, or the accounting for the same, or the conduct of officers or persons employed therein,—and upon like examinations and inquiries made by the Collector of Customs, or by the chief officer employed in the collection and management of the Revenue, in or at any port, district or place, or by any person or officer authorized by the Governor in Council to make such examinations and inquiries,—any person to be examined as a witness shall deliver his testimony on oath to be administered to him by the officer or person making the examination or inquiry.

Penalty for false statement, &c.2. And any person wilfully making any false statement, in any such examination upon oath (or in any solemn affirmation or declaration substituted as aforesaid for an oath,) whether such oath be required by this Act or by any other law relating to the Revenue, shall be deemed guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, or of a misdemeanor punishable in the same manner as wilful and corrupt perjury, and shall on conviction be liable to be punished accordingly.
