Page:Statutes of Canada, Victoria 31, Part 1.djvu/94

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Cap. 5, 6.
Collection of the Revenue, &c.
31 Vict.

Revenue or in accounting for the same, issued or made before the passing of this Act, whether before or after the Union of the Provinces now forming the Dominion of Canada, shall continue in force, unless and until revoked or altered by competent authority, and the nature of the duties and local extent of the powers of each office, shall, unless and until they be expressly altered, and so far as they are not inconsistent with any Act of the Parliament of Canada, remain the same as if granted or made under the authority of this Act, subject always to the provisions and enactments thereof; and all bonds which have been given by such officers or persons, or their sureties, shall remain in full force and effect.

Repeal of inconsistent Acts, &c.52. So much of chapter sixteen of the Consolidated Statutes of the late Province of Canada, or of chapter six of the Acts of the Legislature of the said Province, passed in the session held in the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth years of Her Majesty’s Reign;—or of chapters ten and eleven of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, (third series)—or of chapter forty-one of the Revised Statutes of New Brunswick, or of any other Act or law in force in any Province of the Dominion of Canada, as is inconsistent with this Act or makes any provision in any matter provided for by this Act other than such as is hereby made, shall be and is repealed, in so far as relates to matters subject to the control of the Parliament of Canada.

An Act respecting the Customs.

[Assented to 21st December, 1867.]

Preamble.Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


Interpretation clause.1. In order to avoid the frequent use of numerous terms and expressions in this Act and in other laws relating to the Customs or to trade or to navigation, and to prevent misconstruction of the terms and expressions used therein—It is declared that—

Collector.In this Act or in any such law as aforesaid;—the word “Collector” means the Collector of the Customs at the port or place intended in the sentence, or any person lawfully deputed, appointed or authorized to do the duty of Collector thereat;—the word Officer.“officer” means an officer of the Customs;—the word Vessel.“Vessel” means any ship, vessel, or boat of any kind whatever, whether propelled by steam or otherwise, and whether used as a sea-going vessel or on inland waters only, unless the context be manifestly such as to distinguish one kind or class of vessel from another;—the word Master.“Master” means the person having or taking charge of any ship or vessel;—the words Owner, &c.“Owner,” “Importer” or “Exporter” mean the owners, importers or exporters, if there be more than one in any case,
