Gazette; Consequence of resumptionbut such Bank shall, from the expiration of such notice, cease to receive compensation on its notes withdrawn from circulation, and shall pay back to the Receiver General any sum it has received from him in Dominion notes in exchange for Provincial Debentures or other Government securities, which shall then be redelivered to the Bank, and the Bank shall be bound to hold the amount of Provincial Debentures or other securities required by its charter, before it shall resume the issue of notes.
As to rights on renewal of charters. 7. No Bank surrendering its power to issue notes shall thereby be deprived of its claim to any privilege or power which shall be granted to other Banks on the renewal of their charters, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy.
Recital.8. And whereas by an Act of the Legislature of the late Province of Canada passed in the session held in the twentyninth and thirtieth years of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled: 29 30 V. c. 10."An Act to provide for the issue of Provincial Notes," the Governor of that Province in Council was empowered to authorize the issue of Provincial Notes for the general purposes of the Province, to the amount of five millions of dollars, and to a further amount not exceeding three millions of dollars for purposes relative to the surrender by all or any of the chartered Banks of the Province of their power to issue notes, under provisions similar to those made in this Act, and it was provided that such notes should be of such denominational values and in such form as the Governor in Council might direct, and be redeemable in specie on presentation at offices to be established at Montreal and Toronto, and at that one of the said places at which they were respectively made payable, and should be a legal tender except at the offices aforesaid: And whereas such Provincial Notes to the amount of five millions of dollars were in pursuance of the said Act issued for the general purposes of the Province, and a further amount for purposes relative to the surrender by the Bank of Montreal of its power to issue notes, and for such other purposes provided for by the aforesaid Act as are specified in the agreement with the said Bank approved of by the Governor in Council; Certain Provincial Notes issued under that Act to be Dominion Notes: redemption, reissue, &c.and Provincial Notes to an amount equal in the whole to eight millions of dollars, were engraved and prepared for issue;—therefore, the Provincial Notes issued or prepared for issue as aforesaid, to an amount, not exceeding in the whole eight millions of dollars, shall be held to be Notes of the Dominion of Canada, and having been or being hereafter issued under the Act above cited or this Act, shall be redeemable in specie on presentation at offices established or to be established at Montreal, Toronto, Halifax and St. John (New Brunswick), and at that one of the said places at which they may be respectively made payable, and being so redeemed may and might be again re-issued for the general purposes of the Dominion, and shall be (as provided by the Act before cited) a legal tender except at the offices atwhich