Punishment for forging notes, &c.14. If any person engraves or in anywise makes upon any plate whatever, or upon any wood, stone or other material, any note purporting to be a Provincial Note, or a Note of the Dominion of Canada, without the authority of the Minister of Finance, the proof of which shall lie on the party accused; or if any person engraves or makes upon any plate whatever, or upon any wood, stone or other material, any word or words resembling or apparently intended to resemble any subscription subjoined to any Provincial Note, or Note of the Dominion of Canada, without such authority, to be proved as aforesaid; Having plates, &c., in possession.or if any person without such authority, to be proved as aforesaid, uses, or without lawful excuse, to be proved by the party accused, knowingly has in his custody or possession, any plate, wood, stone or other material upon which any such Provincial Note, or Note of the Dominion of Canada, or part thereof, or any word or words resembling or apparently intended to resemble such subscription as aforesaid has been engraved or made; Uttering notes, &c.or if any person without such authority, to be proved as aforesaid, knowingly offers, utters, disposes of or puts off, or without lawful excuse, to be proved as aforesaid, knowingly has in his custody or possession any paper upon which any part of such Provincial Note, or Note of the Dominion of Canada, or any word or words resembling or apparently intended to resemble any such subscription, has been made or printed, every such offender shall be guilty of felony, and on conviction shall be liable to be imprisoned in the penitentiary for any term not less than two years nor more than seven years, or to be imprisoned in any Common Gaol for any term less than two years, in the discretion of the court before which the conviction is had.
Repeal of inconsistent enactments.15. So much of any Act or law in force in this Dominion as may be inconsistent with this Act, is hereby repealed.
[Assented to 22nd May, 1868.]
Preamble.Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
Copper Coin not to be imported or manufactured in Canada.1. Except the lawful copper coin of the United Kingdom, or copper coins legally current in Canada, under any Act in force in Canada, or in any of the Provinces in Canada, or any Proclamation issued under the authority of any such Act, no person body politic or corporate, shall import into Canada, or manufacture therein any Copper or Brass Coin or Tokens of any description.