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Page:Statutes of Canada, Victoria 31, Part 2.djvu/159

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Cap. 54.
Copyright Act of 1868.
31 Vict.

No copyright of any scene or object.14. Nothing herein contained, however, shall prejudice the right of any person to represent any scene or object, notwithstanding that there may be Copyright in some other representation of such scene or object.

Copyright of work made to order, &c.15. Whenever the author of a literary, scientific or artistical work or composition which may be the subject of Copyright has executed the same for another person or has sold the same to another person for due consideration, such author shall not be entitled to obtain or to retain the proprietorship of such Copyright, which is by the said transaction virtually transferred to the purchaser who may avail himself of such privilege, unless a reserve of the said privilege is specially made by the author or artist in a deed duly executed.

Damages for infringement of copyright.16. If any person prints or publishes any manuscript whatever in Canada, or the same having been printed or published elsewhere, offers it or causes it to be offered for sale in Canada, without the consent of the author or legal proprietor first obtained, such author or proprietor being resident in Canada, or being a British subject resident in Great Britain or Ireland, such person shall be liable to the author or proprietor for all damages occasioned by such injury, to be recovered in any Court of competent jurisdiction.

Penalty for falsely pretending to have copyright.17. If any person prints, publishes or reproduces any book, map, chart, musical composition, print, cut or engraving, or other work of art or photograph and not having legally acquired the Copyright thereof, inserts therein, or impresses thereon, that the same hath been entered according to this Act, or words purporting the same, every person so offending, shall incur a penalty not exceeding sixty dollars (one moiety thereof to the person who sues for the same, and the other moiety to the use of Her Majesty,) to be recovered in any Court of competent jurisdiction.

Limitation of actions.18. No action or prosecution for the recovery of any penalty under this Act, shall be commenced more than two years after the cause of action arose.

Repeal of former Acts.19. Chapter eighty-one of the Consolidated Statutes of the late Province of Canada, and chapter one hundred and sixteen of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, (third series), and all other Acts or parts of Acts, inconsistent with the provisions of the present Act, are hereby repealed, subject to the provisions of the next section.

Unexpired copyrights continued.20. All Copyrights heretofore acquired under the Acts or parts of Acts hereby repealed, shall, in respect of the unexpired terms thereof, continue unimpaired, and shall have the same force and effect as regards the Province or Provinces to which they now extend and shall be assignable and renewable, and all penalties and forfeitures incurred and to be incurred under
