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Trade Mark and Design Act, 1868.
Cap. 56, 56.

For office copies of Documents or entries, not above mentioned, the following charges shall be exacted:

For every single or first folio.
For every subsequent hundred words, (fractions from and under fifty being not counted, and over fifty being counted for one hundred).

All of which fees shall be paid over by the Minister of How applied. Agriculture to the Receiver General of Canada.

Repeal of former Acts.29. The Act twenty-fourth Victoria, chapter twenty-first of the Statutes of the late Province of Canada, and the thirtieth Victoria, chapter thirty-first of the Province of New Brunswick, and all other Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with the present Act are hereby repealed as to any further registration or the granting of any new exclusive right under the provisions thereof; Rights acquired under repealed Acts saved.but all rights heretofore acquired by virtue of such provisions shall remain good and valid and assignable in law, and all penalties and forfeitures incurred or to be incurred under the same may be sued for and enforced, and all prosecutions commenced before the passing of this Act for any such penalties or forfeitures already incurred may be continued and completed, and entries and registrations under the said Acts respectively may be cancelled, as if the said Acts and parts of Acts had not been repealed.

Deputy Minister substituted for Secretary of Registration and Statistics.30. For all the purposes of the Act of Canada cited in the next preceding section of this Act, so far as the same remains in force after the passing of this Act, the Deputy of the Minister of Agriculture shall be and is hereby substituted for the Secretary of the Board of Registration and Statistics mentioned in the said Act, and shall have all the powers and duties of these officers.

Short title.31. In citing this Act it shall be sufficient to call it "The Trade Mark and Design Act of 1868."


An Act to irnpose a duty on Foreign Reprints of British Copyright Works.

[Assented to 22nd May, 1868.]

Preamble.Whereas by an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, passed in the Session held in the tenth and eleventh years of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled: Imp. Act, 10. 11 V. c. 95. An Act to amend the Law relating to the protection in the Colonies of Works entitled to Copyright in the United Kingdom, it is provided, that in case the Legislature of any British Possession
