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Duty on Foreign Reprints, &c.
Cap. 56, 57.

and after the day to be appointed for that purpose, in any Proclamation of the Governor, signifying Her Majesty's Royal Approval of this Act, and the issuing of such order of Her Majesty in Council, and not before.

Former duty to remain until a duty is imposed under this Act.4. And it is hereby declared, that it was not the intent of the Act of the Parliament of Canada cited in the Preamble to this Act, that any duty imposed on foreign reprints of such British Copyright Books as are mentioned in the foregoing sections of this Act, by any Act of the late Province of Canada, or by any order of the Governor of that Province in Council made, or to be made under such Act, or by any Act of the Legislature of the Province of Nova Scotia or of New Brunswick, for the purpose of being distributed to or among the party or parties beneficially interested in the Copyright, should be repealed, and any such duty shall continue to be collected for the purposes aforesaid, until a duty shall be imposed for like purposes under this Act, after which it shall cease.


An Act for the organization of the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Canada

[Assented to 22nd May, 1868.]

Preamble.Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Department constituted.1. There shall be at the seat of Government of Canada, a Public Department to be called the Department of Marine and Fisheries, and the Governor in Council may appoint, by Commission under the Great Seal of Canada, a fit and proper person to manage and direct the said Department, Minister.who shall be styled the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, and who shall hold Office during pleasure.

Secretary of Minister.2. The Governor may appoint an Officer to be called the Secretary of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, and such other Officers as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the business of the said Department, as well at the seat of Government as in other portions of Canada, and may at his pleasure remove them or either of them, and appoint others in their stead.

Powers and duties of Secretary.3. The Secretary of the Minister shall have authority (subject always to the Minister and his directions), to oversee and direct the other officers and servants of the Department; he shall have the general control of the business of the Department, and in the absence of the Minister, and during such absence may suspend from his duties any officer or servant of