Page:Steadfast Heart.djvu/129

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ceeded. His manner was that of one who dreads to be seen.

“It’s not a private school you’re going to,” Dave said. “It’s a regular public school…. It seemed best to try that kind. Because I want you to be like other boys…. I want you to know and to play with them, Angus—I hope you’ll find some boy to be your chum.”

“Chum?” Angus asked, and pondered over it. “Was Bishwhang a chum?”

“Why—I suppose he was.”

Angus nodded, but there was a peculiar expression on his face. Dave understood it to be a promise he would try. He also understood it to mean that Angus would have nobody else occupy the place Bishwhang had held.

Presently they stopped at a small, white, gardened house which was to be Angus’s home for years to come. A stout, white-haired woman opened the door.

“Careful of the cat. Wouldn’t have him stepped on fer a dozen new-laid eggs. This is Mr. Wilkins, ain’t it? And this is the boy. Come right in. Soon’s I heard the train whistle I fixed a snack, knowin’ what boys’ appetites is.” All this before Wilkins had a chance to say good morning.

“Angus,” he said, “this is Mrs. Bassett. You’re going to live with her.”