Page:Steadfast Heart.djvu/164

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from her and she felt relieved. “I got to go to the office,” he said.

“Yes…. Good-by. We—we’re very glad to have you back again.” It was very prim, very artificial, but Lydia, as usual, was acting a part. This time she was not succeeding overwell in her characterization.

Angus made a clumsy motion with the upper part of his body—a sort of automatic, involuntary bow, performed without consciousness. Then he turned his back squarely and abruptly and strode rapidly away.

He had not mentioned her letter, nor that she was the person who had called him back to Rainbow, nor did she. Somehow she did not want the letter mentioned, and he had a vague feeling that any mention of it ought to come from her. As she walked away she wondered why he had not spoken of it and asked herself if it could have been delicacy which held Angus silent, or merely stolidity. This was a question that many asked themselves concerning the conduct of Angus Burke in the days that were to come—and few were wise enough to discover the answer.