Page:Steadfast Heart.djvu/276

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think of you—how they respect you. Who cares now what happened so long ago when you were a baby? You weren’t responsible. You weren’t to blame—just unfortunate—so unfortunate! And now we’re proud of you—all your friends are proud of what you’ve accomplished…. There’s no reason on earth why you shouldn’t love any girl you choose—or why she shouldn’t be proud to have your love.”

“No…. No….”

“You mustn’t go on thinking like this…. Why, there isn’t another young man in town who can compare with you. See what you’ve done—alone, and against—against such obstacles. See how you’ve made a place for yourself…. If I were Lydia Canfield I’d be happy—happy!”

“I’ve killed a man…. I’ve been in jail…. And my father—my mother! How could I ask—it would be an insult.”

“I’m a girl, Angus, and I know. I’m going to tell you something, Angus, that’s a secret yet. I’ve promised to marry Mr. Hart—from Deal. You’ve met him. I tell you this so—so I can say what I want to without being embarrassed…. Lydia talks a lot about family and ancestors. So can I if I want to. My family is as good as hers—yet—if you asked me to marry you, I would be glad. If you had chosen me, and had made love to me, I know I should have loved