Page:Steadfast Heart.djvu/292

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a matter of ten thousand dollars…. You folks reckon him a coming man, don’t you?”

“He’s our circuit judge,” said Angus.

Mr. Richards laughed. “That is what I would call a safe and sane answer, Burke…. Well, coming man or not, I took no risk. He gave me absolutely gilt-edged security.”

Angus schooled his face to show no expression. Gilt-edged security for ten thousand dollars! Where had Judge Crane found securities of that class to present as collateral for a ten-thousand-dollar loan?… Where?… He was silent during the remainder of the drive, but when they stopped at the station a few moments before train time he ventured a question. “Would you mind telling me what securities Judge Crane deposited as collateral for his loan?”

Richards glanced keenly at the young man’s face. “Why,” he said, “as between banker and banker I’ve no objection…. Liberty Bonds…. Is anything out of kilter?”

Angus shook his head; his eyes were worried, his face set and grave. “I don’t know,” he said. “I don’t understand….”

That night he sat long in his office figuring, tabulating information. He wished Henry G. Woodhouse were at home, for this was a matter which touched his employer. The son of Judge