Page:Steadfast Heart.djvu/365

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Lydia did not understand; her eyes opened wide with fear and pain. What did he mean? What was this talk of grandfathers and of coming before? Before what?… But one thing she comprehended: Angus was refusing to receive her….

Her pride was dead; nothing but love remained, and she could plead with him, plead for her love and for her happiness. “I could not stay away any longer,” she said…. “I have been miserable… I have wanted you, Angus…. Oh, how I have wanted you!…”

He shook his head. “You did not come. You didn’t even write. You gave me no word, not a word to pin a hope upon—while things were as they were…. You didn’t care…. But now this—this news reaches you. You hear who I am, what blood is mine and what family I have the right to claim… and that brings you back…. But I am the same. Nothing has changed me. I am still Angus Burke, the same flesh and blood and mind and heart—unchanged…. Titus Burke was my father. I do not see how it can make a difference who my mother was…. No…. You should not have come…. I could respect you before—when you—were true to—what you believed….”

“Angus… Angus… what are you talk-