Page:Steam heating and ventilation (IA steamheatingvent00monrrich).pdf/55

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Figure 26.—Diagram of Indirect Apparatus.

Figure 26.—Diagram of Indirect Apparatus.

foot of a gas of any temperature is inversely proportional to its absolute temperature, which is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit + 460, or , where is the weight per cubic foot, the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, and a constant, different for each gas and which, for air, equals approximately 40. If t be the temperature of the cold air and be that of the air in , then the pressure per square foot due to a column of cold air of height feet would be and the pressure due to a column of hot air of the same height would be . The difference of pressure which creates the flow of air then is

The head, , which creates the velocity of flow, is equal to the height of a column of air of temperature which would give the pressure , or

By the laws governing the flow of fluids the theoretical velocity