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Si^boards : Their History, including Anecdotes of Famous Taverns and

Remarkable Characters. By JACOB LARWOOD and JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN With Coloured Frontis- piece and 94 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, clotli e xtra, -js. td.

Sister Dora: A Biography. By Margaret Lonsdale. With Four

Illustrations. Demy Svo, picture cover, 4./. ; cloth, td.

Sketchiey (Art hur).— A Match in the D ark. Post Svo. board s 25. Slang Dictionary (The) : Etymological, Historical, and Anecdotal.

Crown Svo, clotli e xtra, 6.f. 6./.

Smart (Hawley). — Without Love or Licence: A Novel. Crown

8vo, cloth extra, 3J. td. ; post 8vo, illustrated boards, gj.

Smith (J. Moyr), Works by.

The Prince of Ax'golis. AVith 130 Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth extra, 3^. 6.r".

The Wooing of the W ater Witch. With numerous Illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth, 6s.

Society in London. Crown Svo, 15. ; cloth, 15. td.

Society in Paris: The Upper Ten Thousand. A Series of Letters

from Coimt PAUL Vasili to a Young French Diplomat. Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s.

Som erset (Lord Henry).— Songs of Adieu. Sm all 4to, Ja p, vel.,6 5. Spalding (T. A., LL.B.). — Elizabethan Demonology: An Essay

on the Belief in the Existence of D evils. Crown Svo, cloth extra, 5^. ^^

Speight (T. W.),lVov^Is by.

Po-it Svo, illustrated boards, ^s. each.

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Back to Life. The lioudwater Tragedyt Burgo's Romance. Quittance in Full.

Post Svo, cloth limp, is. 6d. each.

A Barren Title. I Wife o r No Wife?

Crown Svo, cloth extra, 3J. 6d. each. A Secret of the Sea. | The Grey Monk.

The Sandycroft Mystery. Crown Svo, picture cover, is.

The Master of Trenance. Three Vols., crown Svo, 15J. net.

A Husband from th e Sea. Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2j .

Spenser for Children. By M. H. Towry. With Coloured Illustrations

b y Walter J. Morgan. Crown 4to. clo th extra, 3J. 6d .

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cloth extra, 2^-. 6d.

Stedman (E. C), Works by. Crown Svo, cloth extra, gs. each.

Victorian Poets. I The Poets of America.

Stephens (Riccardo, M.B.). — The Cruciform Mark: The Strange

Story of Richard Tp.t-C ENNA, Bachelor of Medicine ( Univ. Edinb.) Crown Svo, clo'h, 6s.

Sterndale (R. Armitage).— The Afghan Knife: A Novel. Crown

Svo, cloth extra, :^s. 6d. ; po s Svo. illustrated boards, 2S.

Stevenson (R. Louis), Works by. Post Svo, cloth limp, 25. 6i. ea.

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Crown Svo, buckram, ^Tilt top, 6s. each. Familiar Studies of Men and Books.

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Vols., demy 8vo. This Edition (which is limited to i.cvxi copics> is sold only in .Sets, the price of which may be learned from the Bo>:ks<-llcrs. The First X'olume was publisheiJ Nov., 1894,

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